ホーム » 会員について » IEEE Fellow受賞者 » 1999 New Fellows
1999 New Fellows
No. |
Name |
Professional Affiliation |
Citation |
1 |
安部 正幸
Masayuki Abe |
関西新技術研究所 |
For contributions to III-V compound semiconductor optoelectronic and high-speed devices. |
2 |
相原 憲一
Ken-ichi Aihara/td> |
名古屋商科大学 |
For contributions and leadership in multimedia networking technologies and their applications. |
3 |
赤崎 勇
Isamu Akasaki |
名城大学 |
For contributions and leadership in research and development of group III nitride semiconductor materials and devices. |
4 |
池田 久利
Hisatoshi Ikeda |
東芝 |
For contributions to the development of the high voltage gas circuit breakers. |
5 |
伊澤 達夫
Tatsuo Izawa |
For contributions to the development of optical fiber fabrication and planar optical waveguide devices. |
6 |
河原 春郎
Haruo Kawahara |
東芝 |
For developments and commercialization of computer control and operation of power generation plants. |
7 |
小林 禧夫
Yoshio Kobayashi |
埼玉大学 |
For contributions to the analysis of dielectric resonators and their applications to material measurements and filter designs. |
8 |
村上 篤道
Tokumichi Murakami |
三菱電機 |
For contributions to the research and development of image coding,signal processing and transmission technologies. |
9 |
中村 徹
Tohru Nakamura |
法政大学 |
For contributions to the development of high-speed bipolar integrated circuits. |
10 |
小原 實
Minoru Obara |
慶応義塾大学 |
For contributions to the development of high-power excimer lasers and soft x-ray lasers. |
11 |
阪部 茂一
Shigekazu Sakabe |
三菱電機 |
For contributions to the analysis and development of electrical machines. |
12 |
佐藤 健一
Ken |
For contributions to the architecture and technologies of Asynchronous Transfer Mode networks and photonic networks. |
13 |
須藤 昭一
Shoichi Sudp |
For contributions to optical fiber and laser diode technology. |
14 |
高田 達雄
Tatsuo Takada |
武蔵工業大学 |
For contributions to the development of technology to measure space charge in solid and liquid dielectric materials. |
15 |
高橋 一弘
Kazuhiro Takahashi |
電力中央研究所 |
For contributions to the development and application of sparse matrix techniques for power utilities. |
16 |
高橋 則雄
Norio Takahashi |
岡山大学 |
For contributions to the finite element modeling and optimal design of magnetic devices. |
17 |
渡辺 貞一
Sadakazu Watanabe |
東芝 |
For technical leadership in pattern recognition,especially character recognition for postal code and address recognition systems. |