IEEE 日本支部

1999 New Fellows

No. Name Professional Affiliation Citation
1 安部 正幸
Masayuki Abe
関西新技術研究所 For contributions to III-V compound semiconductor optoelectronic and high-speed devices.
2 相原 憲一
Ken-ichi Aihara/td>
名古屋商科大学 For contributions and leadership in multimedia networking technologies and their applications.
3 赤崎 勇
Isamu Akasaki
名城大学 For contributions and leadership in research and development of group III nitride semiconductor materials and devices.
4 池田 久利
Hisatoshi Ikeda
東芝 For contributions to the development of the high voltage gas circuit breakers.
5 伊澤 達夫
Tatsuo Izawa
NTT For contributions to the development of optical fiber fabrication and planar optical waveguide devices.
6 河原 春郎
Haruo Kawahara
東芝 For developments and commercialization of computer control and operation of power generation plants.
7 小林 禧夫
Yoshio Kobayashi
埼玉大学 For contributions to the analysis of dielectric resonators and their applications to material measurements and filter designs.
8 村上 篤道
Tokumichi Murakami
三菱電機 For contributions to the research and development of image coding,signal processing and transmission technologies.
9 中村 徹
Tohru Nakamura
法政大学 For contributions to the development of high-speed bipolar integrated circuits.
10 小原 實
Minoru Obara
慶応義塾大学 For contributions to the development of high-power excimer lasers and soft x-ray lasers.
11 阪部 茂一
Shigekazu Sakabe
三菱電機 For contributions to the analysis and development of electrical machines.
12 佐藤 健一
NTT For contributions to the architecture and technologies of Asynchronous Transfer Mode networks and photonic networks.
13 須藤 昭一
Shoichi Sudp
NTT For contributions to optical fiber and laser diode technology.
14 高田 達雄
Tatsuo Takada
武蔵工業大学 For contributions to the development of technology to measure space charge in solid and liquid dielectric materials.
15 高橋 一弘
Kazuhiro Takahashi
電力中央研究所 For contributions to the development and application of sparse matrix techniques for power utilities.
16 高橋 則雄
Norio Takahashi
岡山大学 For contributions to the finite element modeling and optimal design of magnetic devices.
17 渡辺 貞一
Sadakazu Watanabe
東芝 For technical leadership in pattern recognition,especially character recognition for postal code and address recognition systems.