IEEE 日本支部

1996 New Fellows

No. Name Professional Affiliation Citation
1 赤木 泰文
Hirofumi Akagi
For contributions to the theory of instantaneous reactive power in three-phase circuits, and to the development of active power filters for harmonic compensation in power systems.
2 秋丸 春夫
Haruo Akimaru
For contributions to switching and signaling systems, and the optimum design applying teletraffic theory.
3 藤島 啓
Satoru Fujishima
村田製作所 For the development of piezoelectric ceramic filters, SAW filters for TV and SAW filters for mobile communication.
4 古田 勝久
Katsuhisa Furuta
For contributions to digital control theory and its applications to robotics and industrial processes.
5 長谷川 達朗
Tatsuro Hasegawa
東芝エンジニアリングサービス For contributions to industrial electronics and control systems.
6 広崎 膨太郎
Botaro Hirosaki
NEC C&C基礎開発研究所 For contributions to the development of high-speed digital communications technologies and systems.
7 伊藤 清男
Kiyoo Itoh
For seminal and sustained contributions to high-density dynamic DRAMs.
8 岩垂 好裕
Yoshihiro Iwadare
For contributions to information and coding theory, especially for the construction of a class of burst-error correcting convolutional codes.
9 泉 武博
Takehiro Izumi
NHK放送技術研究所 For leadership in the planning and institution of direct broadcasting by satellite and the development of a channeling plan for such broadcasting.
10 笠見 昭信
Akinobu Kasami
東芝研究開発センター For contributions to, and technical leadership of, the development of red and green LED’s and red visible laser diodes.
11 小林 功郎
Kohroh Kobayashi
NEC光エレクトロニクス研究所 For contribution to the development of high performance long wavelength semiconductor lasers and other optoelectronics devices for optical fiber communications.
12 小宮 啓義
Hiroyoshi Komiya
For contributions to the development and operation of a fully automated semiconductor manufacturing line.
13 松瀬 貢規
Kouki Matsuse
For contributions to sensorless control of induction motors and adjustable speed ac drives.
14 三井 久安
Hisayasu Mitsui
For contributions to the research and development of insulating materials and insulation systems for high voltage rotating machines and advanced research devices.
15 西 哲生
Tetsuo Nishi
For contributions to linear and nonlinear circuit theory.
16 佐々木 元
Hajime Sasaki
日本電気 For contributions to the development of advanced VLSI systems.
17 千本 倖生
Sachio Semmoto
DDI Tokyo Pocket Telephone, Inc. For technical and entrepreneurial contributions to the telecommunications industry in Japan.
18 下村 尚久
Naohisa Shimomura
東芝 For contributions and leadership in the development of Japanese language information processing technologies.
19 高木 英明
Hideaki Takagi
For contributions to the performance analysis of communication networks and queueing systems.
20 高橋 勲
Isao Takahashi
長岡技術科学大学 For research contributions in power electronics and AC motor drives.
21 鳥谷部 達
Toru Toyabe
東洋大学 工学部 For contributions to numerical device modeling and physics of metal-oxide-semiconductor devices.
22 横山 茂
Shigeru Yokoyama
For contributions to lightning protection of power distribution lines and to the measurement of lightning phenomena.