No. |
Name |
Professional Affiliation |
Citation |
1 |
浅川 繁
Shigeru Asakawa |
東芝 |
For contributions to the development of ultra-low-power digital radio-paging systems. |
2 |
青木 利晴
Toshiharu Aoki |
For contributions to the development of integrated digital network(IDN)systems and leadership in the R&D networking architecture for multimedia communication. |
3 |
福田 敏男
Toshiharu Fukuda |
名古屋大学 |
For the development of distributed intelligent robotics and system control with neuro-fuzzy-genetic-algorithm based computational intelligence |
4 |
林 宏三
Kozo Hayashi |
シャープ |
For leadership in, and contributions to, HDTV research and development. |
5 |
細野 敏夫
Toshio Hosono |
日本大学 |
For contributions to engineering education. |
6 |
井深 丹
Makoto Ibuka |
横河総合研究所 |
For contributions to, and leadership in, the development of superconducting quantum devices and the and their application to precise measurement |
7 |
加納 剛太
Gota Kano |
松下電子工業 |
For contribution to research, development and industrialization of GaAs devices, particularly UHF FET itegrated circuits and lasers for consumer applications. |
8 |
笠原 正雄
Masao Kasahara |
京都工業繊維大学 |
For contributions to coding theory and to efficient coding. |
9 |
加藤 康雄(故)
Yasuo Kato |
日本電気 |
For contribution and leadership in the development of difital signal Processing technology, including speech processing and video signal processing. |
10 |
樹下 行三
Kozo Kinoshita |
大阪大学 |
For contributions to testing methods fo memory and logic circuits. |
11 |
鬼頭 國二
Kuniji Kito |
明智碍子 |
For contributions to the research and development of extra-high-strength strength suspension insulators for high-voltage power transmission. |
12 |
児玉 慎三
Shinzo Kodama |
大阪大学 |
For contributions to research and education in systems and control theory. |
13 |
古賀 利郎
Toshiro KogaT |
九州大学 |
For contributions to circuit and system theory. |
14 |
舛岡 富士雄
Fujio Masuoka |
東芝 |
For invention of the Flash memory and pioneering work in the area. |
15 |
水谷 照吉
Teruyoshi Mizutani |
名古屋大学 |
For contributions to the understanding and development of polymeric insulating materials. |
16 |
毛利 佳年雄
Kaneo Mohri |
名古屋大学 |
For contributions to the research and development of sensor-magnetics. |
17 |
森 欣司
Kinji Mori |
日立製作所 |
For contributions to distributed computer systems. |
18 |
中野 隆生
Takao Nakano |
三菱電機 |
For leadership in the development and early industrialization of VLSI DRAMs. |
19 |
中沢 正隆
Masataka Nakazawa |
For contributions to high-speed optical soliton communication using erbium-doped fiber amplifiers, femtosecond lasers, and nonlinear fiber optics. |
20 |
二瓶 公志
Koji Nihei |
沖電気工業 |
For contributions to thin film technology and printhead development. |
21 |
西関 隆夫
Takao Nishizeki |
東北大学 |
For contributions to graph algorithms with applications to physical design of electronic systems. |
22 |
岡村 昌弘
Masahiro Okamura |
日立製作所 |
For contributions to research and development of high power semiconductor devices. |
23 |
奥山 賢一
Kenichi Okuyama |
日立エレクトリックシステム |
For contributions to the development and analysis of power transformer coil design. |
24 |
小野 文孝
Fumitaka Ono |
三菱電機 |
For contributions to the research and development of Markov source coding, and arithmetic codes and their applications. |
25 |
小野 欽司
Kinji Ono |
学術情報センタ- |
For contributions to, and leadership in, the research and development of international communications, especially in the field of data communication technology. |
26 |
武田 英次
Eiji Takeda |
日立製作所 |
For contributions to the characterization and understanding of hot-carrier effects in MOS devices and their device applications. |
27 |
宅間 宏
Hiroshi Takuma |
電気通信大学 |
For leadership in the development of excimer lasers for laser fusion applications. |
28 |
内田 禎二
Teiji Uchida |
東海大学 |
For contributions in research and development of micro-optics, optical surface mount technology, and ooptical communication systems. |
29 |
山田 松一
Matsuichi Yamada |
国際電信電話 |
For contributions to radiowave propagation for satellite communications. |
30 |
山之内 和彦
Kazuhiko Yamanouchi |
東北大学 |
For research and development in surfaceacoustic waves and surface optical waves. |
31 |
吉田 興夫
Okio Yoshida |
東芝 |
For contributions to the development of photoelectronic imaging devices from vidicon-type camera tubes to CCED image sensors. |