IEEE 日本支部

2025New Fellows



No. Section Name Professional Affiliation Citation
1 東京 全 炳河 Google DeepMind Japan for contributions to generative model-based speech synthesis
2 東京 樋口 健一 東京理科大学 for contributions to cellular wireless communications technology and standards
3 東京 高宮 真 東京大学生産技術研究所 for contributions to digitally controlled integrated power management circuits
4 東京 重松 昌行 住友電気工業 for contributions to realization of low loss optical transmission lines and gain flattened optical amplifiers
5 東京 鈴木 輝彦 ソニー for contributions to video coding for professional and consumer products
6 関西 原田 博司 京都大学/
for technical leadership and contributions in wireless smart utility networks and software-defined cognitive radio
7 関西 篠原 真毅 京都大学 for contributions to wireless power transfer technologies and applications
8 関西 松下 康之 Microsoft Research for contributions to photometric 3D modeling and computational photography
9 四国 西尾 芳文 徳島大学 for contributions to new nonlinear phenomena and effective model creation for large coupled nonlinear systems
10 信越 伊東 淳一 長岡技術科学大学 for contributions to high-power density power converters based on circuit topology