IEEE 日本支部


IEEE Medals
IEEE Founders Medal
青木 利晴
For outstanding visionary leadership in global standardization and commercialization of broadband multi-media networks.
IEEE Jun-ichi Nishizawa Medal
角南 英夫(広島大学)
小柳 光正(東北大学)
伊藤 清男(日立製作所)
For pioneering contributions to dynamic random access memory (DRAM) cell structures and architecture.
IEEE Robert N. Noyce Medal
吉田 庄一郎(ニコン) For contributions to, and leadership in, the technology and business development of IC lithography.


IEEE Technical Field Awards
IEEE Cledo Brunetti Award
難波 進
For contributions to ion-beam and optical technologies for application to semiconductor devices.
IEEE Award in International Communication
平田 康夫
For contributions to and leadership in the development of digital mobile satellite communication systems.