IEEE 日本支部

Society会員数/Society Membership Statistics (2000~2005)

As of the end of each year

Society Code 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000
Signal Processing SP-01 493 889 506 914 509 923 519 932 524 943 537 939
Broadcast Technology BT-02 45 60 51 65 51 65 61 81 66 94 82 111
Antennas and Propagation AP-03 321 524 337 524 330 525 334 529 342 541 350 536
Circuits and Systems CAS-04 389 751 412 782 464 841 521 938 522 919 505 887
Nuclear and Plasma Sciences NPS-05 83 155 84 160 88 166 86 169 86 159 88 161
Vehicular Technology VT-06 251 353 249 352 249 345 272 370 285 386 296 393
Reliability R-07 60 97 64 96 75 111 87 128 90 135 86 133
Consumer Electronics CE-08 99 136 114 157 109 152 113 163 119 175 130 197
Instrumentation and Measurement IM-09 112 180 112 188 119 201 132 227 144 252 146 245
Aerospace and Electronic Systems AES-10 90 135 99 141 100 142 99 139 100 141 111 154
Neural Networks (*1) NNS-11 208 465 215 481 220 492 22 45
Information Theory IT-12 181 299 204 327 216 351 220 362 224 374 224 385
Industrial Electronics IE-13 155 271 147 269 159 288 168 302 175 327 171 312
Engineering Management EM-14 86 120 85 117 84 116 93 121 96 125 92 121
Electron Devices ED-15 770 1,162 772 1,157 798 1,185 840 1,222 835 1,210 838 1,198
Computer C-16 1,715 2,749 1,711 2,792 1,747 2,831 1,825 2,939 1,830 2,919 1,847 2,884
Microwave Theory and Techniques MTT-17 499 821 502 824 472 801 491 807 493 804 493 782
Engineering in Medicine and Biology EMB-18 224 432 230 428 223 419 223 416 224 422 226 421
Communications COM-19 1,301 1,789 1,379 1,870 1,480 2,012 1,546 2,095 1,619 2,175 1,573 2,110
Ultrasonics Ferroelectrics and Frequency Control UFFC-20 122 212 120 209 118 209 130 222 125 215 121 215
Components Packaging and Manufacturing Technology CPMT-21 143 207 140 207 146 217 165 241 173 253 169 247
Oceanic Engineering OE-22 46 70 43 70 45 71 50 78 45 77 49 82
Control Systems CS-23 231 503 231 513 255 538 260 546 268 564 263 552
Robotics and Automation RA-24 310 600 278 560 275 556 272 531 271 528 246 494
Education E-25 67 114 64 108 65 120 69 128 64 125 57 114
Professional Communications PC-26 14 24 19 28 16 30 21 37 20 35 26 39
Electromagnetic Compatibility EMC-27 130 229 131 232 135 245 144 254 161 276 157 270
Systems, Man and Cybernetics SMC-28 239 509 237 500 225 494 220 504 234 517 227 504
Geoscience and Remote Sensing GRS-29 92 163 101 167 87 153 89 159 82 157 81 151
Social Implications of Technology SIT-30 31 47 30 40 29 43 29 43 26 38 32 46
Power Engineering (*2) PE-31 272 450 294 481 298 495 311 524 317 525 331 534
Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation DEI-32 69 142 74 150 78 149 87 170 89 173 96 180
Magnetics MAG-33 176 355 175 347 193 373 190 356 201 366 207 365
Industry Applications IA-34 183 320 170 306 180 320 196 338 203 360 199 351
Power Electronics PEL-35 157 252 155 260 163 280 167 293 172 300 168 290
Lasers and Electro-Optics(*3) LEO-36 505 772 536 799 546 817 551 816 548 814 510 762
Solid-State Circuits SSC-37 591 908 573 889 583 884 603 914 605 899 583 851
Intelligent Transportation Systems Society ITSS-38 44 86 14 21
*Product Safety Engineering PSE-43 4 8 4 8 2 3
TOTAL 10,508 17,359 10,662 17,539 10,932 17,963 11,206 18,139 11,378 18,323 11,317 18,004

*1 = 現 Computational Intelligence Society/ now “Computational Intelligence Society”
*2 = 現 Power & Energy Society/ now “Power & Energy Society”
*3 = 現 Photonics Society/ now “Photonics Society”