ルネサスエレクトロニクス 日高 秀人 様/Dr. Hideto HIDAKA
[Citation: for leadership in high-density memory technologies for automotive applications]
茨城大学 鹿子嶋 憲一 様/Prof. Kenichi KAGOSHIMA
[Citation: for contributions to antennas for satellite communication and mobile wireless access systems]
早稲田大学 笠原 博徳 様/Prof. Hironori KASAHARA
[Citation: for contributions to multicore architectures and power reducing parallelizing compilers]
東京工業大学 小林 隆夫 様/Prof. Takao KOBAYASHI
[Citation: for contributions to expressive speech synthesis based on a statistical parametric approach]
ブリルニクス 中村 淳一 様/Dr. Junichi NAKAMURA
[Citation: for leadership in CMOS image sensors]