Updeted: 2019-2020 Officers and Executive Committee Members
Tokyo Bulletin No.116 published.
Tokyo Bulletin No.115 published.
Tokyo Bulletin No.114 published.
The 2018 8th Lecture of Tokyo Section
The 2018 9th Lecture of Tokyo Section
Tokyo YP 10th Anniversary Congress
The 2018 Fourth Meeting of Tokyo Section Executive Committee
Tokyo Bulletin No.113 published.
Result of the additional candidate(s) for Tokyo Section Officers and Executive Committee Members for Year 2019/2020
The 2018 Fifth Lecture of Tokyo Section
“Nobeyama 45-m Telescope”, Tour and Lecture Meeting of LMAG-Tokyo
“ENRI”, Tour and Lecture Meeting of LMAG-Tokyo
The 2018 Third Meeting of Tokyo Section Executive Committee
Congratulations! “2018 Outstanding Section Membership Recruitment Performance”
Tokyo Section receieved “2018 Outstanding Section Membership Recruitment Performance” .
Tokyo Section sincerely appreciates all members cooperation.
An excerpt from the letter
I am pleased to recognize the Tokyo Section for meeting its recruitment goal for the 2018 membership year. Congratulations!The membership development goals were developed based on your Section’s three year performance. You are to be commended for continuing to grow IEEE membership in the Tokyo Section.
Please feel free to share this with other leaders in your Section to recognize the good work you are doing, and to let your members know you are working hard to provide them the best member experience possible.
Regards,Takako Hashimoto (IEEE MGA MRRC Chair)
Tokyo Bulletin No.112 published.
LMAG-Tokyo Evening Salon
The 2018 Third Lecture of Tokyo Section
The 2018 Fourth Lecture of Tokyo Section
The 2018 Second Meeting of Tokyo Section Executive Committee
10th Essay Contest
【IEEE YP/WIE Notification】
The 10th IEEE Career Building Essay Contest (Extended Deadline)
IEEE Tokyo/Nagoya/Kansai YP, JC/Kansai/Sendai WIE
The 10th IEEE Career Building Essay Contest
IEEE Tokyo /Nagoya / Kansai Young Professionals
IEEE JC / Kansai / Sendai Women in Engineering
IEEE Tokyo/Nagoya/Kansai Section Young Professional Affinity Group as well as、
IEEE Japan Council/Kansai Section Women in Engineering Affinity Group、
This year we again invite young members, female members to submit to our career building essay contest.
We invite everyone, “Students”,”Young researchers and engineers”,”Senior
members”,”Industry”,”Education”,”Business”, from different fields to participate in this contest.
Theme: Contribute to the Future
How do you think you can contribute to society, when you are designing your career or learning new skills? What sort of future are you creating through the challenges you are taking on?
How have IEEE and university activities affected your career and skills?
If you want to share lessons learned from your experiences, expectations or concerns about the future, or if you have any message for your juniors, please write them down in an essay.
2.Judging criteria and prizes
Judging criteria
Please write your essays based on your own experiences, opinions, and ideas.
Authors will be notified of the results of the judging and the judges’ comments, and might be useful for job hunting.
Your essays will be judged based on the criteria listed below.
Originality of the message
Societal impact
Proactiveness of your activity
Essay structure
Contents related to “Young Engineers” career (YP awards)
Contents related to and promote female career advancement, the creation of a diverse society and work-life balance (WIE awards ・ Entries are open for both female and male writers)
First Prize(Certificate, JPY 20,000 in cash)
YP Category Awards(Certificate, JPY 10,000 in cash)
WIE Category Awards(Certificate, JPY 10,000 in cash)
Undergraduate Category Awards (Certificate, JPY 5,000 gift card)
Results will be released on 31 October, 2018.
Prizes will be awarded at an IEEE YP/WIE event which will be held on December 1, 2018, the details of which will be announced later.
Saturday, September 15, 2018 Sunday, September 30, 2018
“Eligibility of Submission”
Submission must be done individually
(Open to everyone. IEEE membership is not mandatory. No age or gender restriction.)
*Only on winning, especially the first prize, we would ask the winner to be a member of IEEE by the awarding ceremony
“Submission Format”
Should be written in either English or Japanese, 1 A4 page length. (no restriction in writing style, can be academic paper, article, essay, etc). Please use the provided form.
Submission Form(Download)
Please send via email to “ andarini[at]IEEE.org “ with the subject [2018 IEEE Essay Contest].
If you do not receive a confirmation email within 3 days, please re-send your submission.
IEEE Tokyo YP, IEEE Nagoya YP, IEEE Kansai YP
IEEE Japan Council WIE, IEEE Kansai WIE, IEEE Sendai WIE
For the details and current activity of each Affinity Group, please follow the links listed below
IEEE Tokyo YP: http://ieee-jp.org/section/tokyo/about/yp.html
IEEE Nagoya YP: http://ieee-nagoya.org/nagoyaYP/ja/
IEEE Kansai YP: http://www.ieee-jp.org/section/kansai/organization/YP/
IEEE JC WIE: http://www.ieee-jp.org/japancouncil/affinitygroup/WIE/
IEEE Kansai WIE: http://www.ieee-jp.org/section/kansai/organization/WIE/
IEEE Tokyo YP Lidwina Andarini
E-mail : andarini@ieee.org
Tokyo Bulletin No.111 published.
Announcement of the Candidates for Tokyo Section Officers and Executive Committee Members for Year 2019/2020