About Japan Council WIE Coordinator
2023 – 2024 JC WIE Coordinator Michiko Inoue
IEEE Women in Engineering (WIE) is a global network of IEEE members and volunteers dedicated to promoting women engineers and scientists and inspiring girls around the world to follow their academic interests in a career in engineering and science. Since its founding in 1997, IEEE has connected more than 40,000 members in over 100 countries, supporting women engineers and scientists and female science students in all aspects of their lives and careers.
In Japan, IEEE JC WIE was established in 2005 under Japan Council (JC). WIEs are normally established under Sections, however in Japan, it was first established under JC to start this activity across the country. The first WIE was established in Sapporo Section, and gradually WIEs were established in Sections in Japan like Kansai Section, Sendai Section, Nagoya Section, and Tokyo and Shin-Etsu Section (under the joint of two Sections). With the establishment of the Shikoku-Fukuoka-Hiroshima joint-section WIE in 2020, all Sections in Japan have achieved WIE establishment. With this, IEEE JC WIE completed its role and evolutionally dissolved while its activities were taken over by the activities of the individual Section WIEs.
As of 2023, six WIEs are active in Japan, as listed above, and the Japan Council WIE Coordinator works to facilitate links between WIE activities in Japan and WIE-related activities within and outside IEEE.
WIE Activities in Sections
・Sapporo Section WIE
・Sendai Section WIE
・Tokyo/Shin-etsu Joint Section WIE
・Nagoya Section WIE
・Kansai Section WIE
・Shikoku/Fukuoka/Hiroshima Joint Section WIE
WIE Activities in IEEE
・IEEE Region 10 WIE
・IEEE JC WIE (2005-2020)