As the purpose of this contest, the program committee is calling many papers together
form every distinguished student of any university, institute and college.
It will serve them with the good opportunity of presenting/discussing their papers.
Official language in this contest is only English. Several papers will be awarded as the
excellent papers of IEEE Sapporo Section Student Paper Contest (S3PC).

2009 IEEE Sapporo Section Student Paper Contest
- October 17 and 18, 2009
- Hokkaido Institute of Technology
- 2009 Joint Convention, The Hokkaido Chapters of the Institutes of Electrical and Information Engineers, Japan
- Student Best Presentation Award
- Tsuyoshi Osaga (Hokkaido University),
Analysis of NLD plasma (III) dependence of electron number density and mean energy distributions on the phase of induced electric field
- Yusuke Shinzo (Hokkaido University),
A method for estimating cloud textures by using photographs
- Student Encouraging Prize
- Kosuke Oheda (Kitami Institute of Technology),
An analysis of cut-off characteristic of electrons in double-shutter drift tube apparatus
- Satoshi Takayama (Hokkaido University),
Fundamental study on rescheduling of PV power station considering solar radiation forecast error
- Masafumi Kawabata (Hokkaido Institute of Technology),
Electric and optical response patterns of mixed lipid membrane
2008 IEEE Sapporo Section Student Paper Contest
- October 25 and 26, 2008
- Sapporo Campus, Tokai University
- 2008 Joint Convention, The Hokkaido Chapters of the Institutes of Electrical and Information Engineers, Japan
- Student Best Presentation Award
- Student Encouraging Prize
2007 IEEE Sapporo Section Student Paper Contest
- October 27 and 28, 2007
- Hokkaido Institute of Technology
- 2007 Joint Convention, The Hokkaido Chapters of the Institutes of Electrical and Information Engineers, Japan
- Student Best Presentation Award
- Atsushi TANAKA (Kitami Institute of Technology),
Design of 1 V Operating Fully Differencial OTA Using NMOS Inverters
- Yoshihide AOYAGI (Hokkaido Institute of Technology),
Design of Laser Communication System for Hokkaido Satellite
- Naoki MORI (Hokkaido University),
Analysis of CF4RF Plasmas Using Monte Carlo Simulation
- Student Encouraging Prize
- Masashi TAKIGUCHI (Kitami Institute of Technology),
High Efficiency Control of Interior Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor
- Takehisa YAMAMOTO (Kitami Institute of Technology),
Trial of the communication between road and car and car navigation control using RFID
- Tatsuhiro SATO (Hokkaido Institute of Technology),
Attitude estimation of micro satellite by change in received power
- Minoru SUZUKI (Hokkaido University),
Generator Efficiency Maximization of a Micro Hydroelectric Power Generation System
Using an IPM Synchronous Generator
- S. M. Muyeen (Kitami Institute of Technology),
LVRT Capability & Transient Stability Enhancement of VariableSpeed
PMSG Wind Generator with Rectifier-Boost Converter-Inverter
2006 IEEE Sapporo Section Student Paper Contest
- October 28 and 29, 2006
- Muroran Institute of Technology
- 2006 Joint Convention, The Hokkaido Chapters of the Institutes of Electrical and Information Engineers, Japan
- Paper
- Takahiro OGAWA,
Missing Texture Reconstruction Based on Convex Projection Method
2005 IEEE Sapporo Section Student Paper Contest
- October 23, 2005
- Graduate School of Information Science and Technology, Hokkaido University
- 2005 Joint Convention, The Hokkaido Chapters of the Institutes of Electrical and Information Engineers, Japan
- 9 Papers
- Calkin A.S. Montero,
Shortcomings of Computer Chat: Critical Utterances
- Skowron Marcin,
Can I also have a question, please? On Perspectives of Interactive Clustering-Driven Qestion-Answering
- Keiko Kondo,
An Effective Phase Retrieval Method for Image Reconstruction
2004 IEEE Sapporo Section Student Paper Contest
- October 24, 2004
- Future University, Hakodate
- 2004 Joint Convention, The Hokkaido Chapters of the Institutes of Electrical and Information Engineers, Japan
- 16 Papers
- Calkin A.S. Montero,
Improvement of a Web-Based Question Answering System Using WordNet-Upgraded Chat
- Naoki Nihanda,
Audio Signal Classification BasedOn Fuzzy C-Means Clustering
- Takahide Oya,
Reaction-diffusion systems consisting of single-electron oscillators
2003 IEEE Sapporo Section Student Paper Contest
- October 19, 2003
- Faculty of Engineering, Hokkai-Gakuen University
- 2003 Joint Convention, The Hokkaido Chapters of the Institutes of Electrical and Information Engineers, Japan
- 2003 S3PC Call for Papers
- 15 Papers
- Megumi Takezawa,
Low Bit-Rate Fractal Image Coding Algorithm
- Marcin Skowron,
Basic Idea of Corpus-Supported Approach to Question Answering
2002 IEEE Sapporo Section Student Paper Contest
- October 13, 2002
- Kitami Institute of Technology
- 2002 Joint Convention, The Hokkaido Chapters of the Institutes of Electrical and Information Engineers, Japan
- 2002 S3PC Call for Papers
- 12 papers
- Koji Akiyama,
Estimation of Pathlength Distribution by Time-Resolved Measurement of
Backscattered Light
- Mr. Mohd. Hasan Ali,
Improvement of Transient Stability by Fuzzy Logic Controlled
Braking Resistor (Effect of Temperature Rise of Braking Resistor)
2001 IEEE Sapporo Section Student Paper Contest
- October 21, 2001
- Hokkaido Tokai University
- 2001 Joint Convention, The Hokkaido Chapters of the Institutes of Electrical and Information Engineers, Japan
- 2001 S3PC Call for Papers
- 17 papers
- Jin Hou,
Design and Experimentation of Avatar Language
- Rafal Rzepka,
Basic Idea of General Belief Retrieving Agent "GENT"
2000 IEEE Sapporo Section Student Paper Contest
- October 22, 2000
- Hokkaido Institute of Technology
- 2000 Joint Convention, The Hokkaido Chapters of the Institutes of Electrical and Information Engineers, Japan
- 14 Papers
- Takanori Emaru,
Avoiding Crosstalk of Sonar by Using Sliding Mode System
- Akihito Hanaki,
Signal Space Whitening MLSE