IEEE Photonics Society Kansai Chapter DL講演会(2024年7月4日)

IEEE Photonics Society Kansai Chapter では,イギリス・ケンブリッジ大学のTawfique Hasan先生を
お招きして,下記のようにDistinguished Lecturer講演会を開催致します.皆様の多数のご参加をお待ち



■会場:大阪公立大学中百舌鳥キャンパス B4棟 東K-401(大阪府堺市中区学園町1-2)


 ・Distinguished Lecturer講演:
  「Miniaturization of optical spectrometers」(60分)

  Prof. Tawfique Hasan(Cambridge University, UK)

   Optical spectroscopy is widely used in non-contact materials analysis.
   Although laboratory bench-top spectrometers offer excellent resolution,
   range and sensitivity, their miniaturization is crucial for portable
   applications demanding indicative but instantaneous results. Among the
   recent developments in scaled-down spectrometers, an increasingly popular
   strategy is to use ‘reconstructive’ or ‘computational’ algorithm-based
   devices. Typically featuring spectral encoders with known optical
   responses, the measured electrical signals in such devices are combined
   to ‘approximate’the incident spectrum through these algorithms. I will
   present an evolution of spectrometer miniaturization over the past 30
   years and give examples of such disruptive concepts shaping future device
  「Fiber-coupled two-dimensional silicon photonic crystal module」(30分)

  Prof. Yasushi Takahashi(Osaka Metropolitan University, Japan)

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■お問合せ先:高橋 和 (IEEE PS Kansai Vice Chair)