(受賞)IPC 2019 Best Student Papers:京都大学 森田遼平さん

森田遼平さん(京都大学)の論文がIPC 2019 Best Student Papersに選ばれました。

32nd Annual Conference of the IEEE Photonics Society (IPC 2019)
Best Student Papers – Finalist (IPC 2019)
October 3 (Thu), 2019
Hilton Palacio del Rio, San Antonio, Texas, USA

 October 3 (Thu), 2019 10:30~12:00, La Vista D/E
 Session TuG2 – Low Noise and Telecom Lasers

8-W-peak Self-pulsating Photonic-crystal Surface Emitting Laser with Ring-shaped Saturable Absorber

Ryohei Morita (Award Winner) 1, Takuya Inoue 1, Menaka De Zoysa 2, Kenji Ishizaki 1, Yoshinori Tanaka 1, Susumu Noda 1
1 Quantum Optoelectronics Laboratory, Department of Electrical Engineering / Electronic Science and Engineering, Graduate School of Engineering
Kyoto University, Nishikyo-ku, Kyoto, Kyoto, Japan
2 Photonics and Electronics Science and Engineering Center, Graduate School of Engineering
Kyoto University, Nishikyo-ku, Kyoto, Kyoto, Japan

We develop a self-pulsating photonic-crystal surface-emitting laser with a ring-shaped saturable absorber inside the current injection region, and realize self-pulsation with a peak power of 8W, a pulse width of less than 100ps, and a beam divergence angle of 0.5°.


IEEE Photonics Society Kansai Chapter co-sponsors KIT Electronics System Engineering Symposium 2019.
Your participation is welcome.


2019年10月16日(Wed) / October 16 (Wed), 2019

京都工芸繊維大学 松ヶ崎キャンパス 西部構内 3号館 0312会議室 (アクセス)
Kyoto Institute of Technology, Matsugasaki Campus West Area, Building 3, Meeting Room 0312 (Access)

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電子情報通信学会 レーザ・量子エレクトロニクス研究会(LQE) / レーザ学会(LSJ) 合同研究会

電子情報通信学会 レーザ・量子エレクトロニクス研究会(LQE) / レーザ学会(LSJ)合同研究会に協賛いたします。
IEEE Photonics Society Kansai Chapter technically co-sponsors IEICE LQE / LSJ Joint Meeting.
Your participation is welcome.

電子情報通信学会 レーザ・量子エレクトロニクス研究会(LQE) / レーザ学会(LSJ)合同研究会

2019年5月30日(木)~31日(金) / May 30 (Thu) ~ 31 (Fri), 2019
14:00~16:50 / 09:30~14:50

琵琶湖コンファレンスセンター (アクセス)
Biwako Conference Center (Access)

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