IEEE Kansai Section 第70回技術講演会
The 70th IEEE Kansai Section Lecture Meeting
IEEE 関西支部会員各位
IEEE Kansai Section Members
IEEE Kansai Section
Chair Shigeru Katagiri
片桐 滋
IEEE Kansai Section第70回技術講演会のご案内
The 70th IEEE Kansai Section Lecture Meeting
第70回は,Mitsubishi Electric Research Laboratories(MERL)のDr. Anthony Vetroと
Dr. Petros T. Boufounosをお招きし,
IEEE Kansai Section will have the 70th IEEE Kansai Section Lecture Meeting as follows.
「Compressive Sensing in Practice」
・ Dr. Anthony Vetro (IEEE Fellow, Group Manager, Multimedia, MERL)
・ Dr. Petros T. Boufounos (MERL)
日時(Time & Date)
2012年4月3日(火) 14:00-15:15
14:00-15:15, Tuesday, April 3, 2012
NTT京阪奈ビル 大会議室(3階)
〒619-0237 京都府相楽郡精華町光台2-4
IEEE Kansai Section
講演会: 14:00-15:15
講演「Multimedia Research at MERL」
Dr. Anthony Vetro (IEEE Fellow, Group Manager, Multimedia, MERL)
講演「Compressive Sensing in Practice」
Dr. Petros T. Boufounos (MERL)
Dr. Anthony Vetro
"Multimedia Research at MERL"
This talk will provide a brief overview of multimedia related work at MERL including activity in the areas of digital video, information security, compressive sensing and speech/audio processing. Specific research topics to be discussed include 3D video, distributed source coding and secure computation.
Dr. Petros T. Boufounos
"Compressive Sensing in Practice"
Compressive sensing (CS) promises to reduce the sampling
burden for most signals of interest by exploiting their structure and
the wide availability of inexpensive computation. While theoretical
developments are promising, exploiting CS in practice poses significant
In this talk will briefly present the basic compressive
sensing theory and how it can be very useful in practical systems. We
will examine several applications―such as ultrasonic sensing, microphone
and radar array processing, and depth sensing―and discuss how CS ideas
can significantly advance the capabilities of those systems.
Dr. Anthony Vetro
Anthony Vetro is a Group Manager at Mitsubishi Electric
Research Labs, in Cambridge, Massachusetts. He joined Mitsubishi in 1996
and is currently responsible for research and standardization on video
coding, as well as work on display processing, information security,
sensing technologies, and speech/audio processing. He has published more
than 150 papers and has been an active member of the MPEG and ITU-T
video coding standardization committees for a number of years. He has
served as editor and ad-hoc chair for several projects, including the
Multiview Video Coding standard, and currently serves as Head of the US
Delegation to MPEG.
He received the B.S., M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in
Electrical Engineering from Polytechnic University, in Brooklyn, NY. Dr.
Vetro is also active in various IEEE conferences, technical committees
and editorial boards. He has also received several awards for his work
on transcoding and is a Fellow of the IEEE.
Dr. Petros T. Boufounos
Petros T. Boufounos is a Principal Member of Research Staff at
Mitsubishi Electric Research Laboratories in Cambridge, MA and a
visiting scholar at the Rice University Electrical and Computer
Engineering department in Houston, TX. Dr. Boufounos completed his
undergraduate and graduate studies at MIT. He received the S.B. degree
in Economics in 2000, the S.B. and M.Eng. degrees in Electrical
Engineering and Computer Science (EECS) in 2002, and the Sc.D. degree in
EECS in 2006. Between September 2006 and December 2008, he was a
postdoctoral associate with the Digital Signal Processing Group at Rice
University. Dr. Boufounos joined MERL in January 2009.
Dr. Boufounos immediate research interests include signal acquisition
and processing, quantization and data representations, frame theory, and
machine learning applied to signal processing. He is also looking into
how signal acquisition interacts with other fields that use sensing
extensively, such as robotics and mechatronics.
Dr. Boufounos is an
associate editor at IEEE Signal Processing Letters. He has received the
Ernst A. Guillemin Master Thesis Award for his work on DNA sequencing,
the Harold E. Hazen Award for Teaching Excellence, both from the MIT
EECS department, and has been an MIT Presidential Fellow. He is also a
member of the IEEE, Sigma Xi, Eta Kappa Nu, and Phi Beta Kappa.
The information on this lecture is at: をご覧ください。
参加費 (Fee)
無料 (Free)
参加申込み先 (Contact for registration)
IEEE関西支部 テクニカルプログラムコミッティ
Tel: (0774) 93 5518 Fax: (0774) 93 5158
E-mail: ieee-kansai-tpcアット
- ご所属
- お名前(ふりがな)
- IEEE会員番号(会員の場合)
Please register in advance. E-mail or fax, IEEE member ID (if you have), your name, and affiliation by March 28, 2012 (Wednesday).
本件連絡先 (For further information)
IEEE Kansai Section Technical Program Committee Chair
中谷 智広 (NTTコミュニケーション科学基礎研究所)