IEEE Kansai Section第21回技術講演会

IEEE Kansai Section第21回技術講演会
The 21st IEEE Kansai Section Lecture Meeting

「スティーブン・ファイナー博士 特別講演会」



"Taking it to the Streets:How Virtual Reality Can Change Mobile Computing"


Prof. Steven K. Feiner (米国 Columbia University 教授)

日時(Time & Date)

Monday, May 26, 2003 10:30 - 12:00


大阪大学 銀杏会館 3階 三和銀行ホール(大阪大学吹田キャンパス内)
(Osaka University, Ichou-Kaikan 3F)
〒565-0871 大阪府吹田市山田丘1-1
(交通) 大阪モノレール「阪大病院前」下車 徒歩約10分  
    阪急バス 千里中央発「阪大本部前」または「茨木美穂ケ丘」行
    近鉄バス 阪急茨木市駅発「阪大本部前」行(JR茨木駅経由)  
    いずれも阪大本部前下車 徒歩約5分  




科学技術振興事業団(JST) 戦略的基礎研究推進事業(CREST)   研究領域「高度メディア社会の生活情報技術」


IEEE(電気電子学会) 関西支部


Virtual reality has long been an indoor affair. Whether constrained by stationary computers or displays, or by the limitations of our tracking technologies, researchers typically build virtual environments that work within a single physical room or a portion of a room. Even distributed virtual reality systems usually interconnect two or more such indoor spaces. Meanwhile, as computers grow ever smaller and faster, mobile computing is becoming an increasingly important part of our daily lives, accompanying us wherever we go, outdoors, as well as indoors.
What will it take for virtual reality to move outdoors and finally see the light of day? And, why should we care? Within the virtual reality research community, work on augmented reality has already begun to explore outdoor environments---tracking using computer vision, gyroscopes, accelerometers, compasses, and GPS; and experimenting with (barely) wearable testbeds. I will discuss why virtual reality (especially in the form of augmented reality) and mobile computing are a synergistic combination, and will provide an overview of the research problems that must be addressed for mobile augmented reality systems to play a major role in our future.
Among the issues that I will review are overcoming physical and aesthetic barriers to mobility and wearability; tracking and registration of heads, hands, bodies, and other objects; rendering virtual objects in the real world; and developing sufficiently high quality displays. Equally important is the design of head-tracked user interfaces that are well suited to mobility. Wearable systems will need to support collaboration among mobile users, facile interaction with real and virtual objects, and coordination across a wide range of heterogeneous displays and devices. Key here is the volatile nature of mobile interactions---users continually move into and out of the presence of other users, devices, and objects, and rapidly change tasks.
Furthermore, augmented reality makes it possible for real and virtual objects to share the same display space, creating the potential for a variety of visually confusing relationships as objects overlap andocclude each other. Avoiding these problems will require that the  virtual world be redesigned and laid out on the fly, to maintain desired visual relationships between virtual objects and other real and virtual objects.


Steven Feiner ( is a Professor of Computer Science at Columbia University, where he directs the Computer Graphics and User Interfaces Laboratory ( He received a Ph.D. in Computer Science from Brown University in 1987. Prof. Feiner's research interests include virtual environments and augmented reality, knowledge-based design of graphics and multimedia, wearable computing, information visualization, and hypermedia. He is coauthor of Computer Graphics: Principles and Practice (Addison-Wesley, 1990) and of Introduction to Computer Graphics (Addison-Wesley, 1993). He is an associate editor of ACM Transactions on Graphics, has served on the executive boards of the IEEE Computer Society Technical Committee on Visualization and Graphics and the IEEE Computer Society Task Force on Human-Centered Information Systems, and is a member of the steering committees for the IEEE Symposium on Information Visualization, the IEEE and ACM International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality, and the IEEE Computer Society Technical Committee on Wearable Information Systems.
Prof. Feiner is program co-chair for the 2003 IEEE International Symposium on Wearable Computers. Over the past few years, he has been general chair of IEEE Information Visualization 2001, symposium co-chair of the 2001 IEEE and ACM International Symposium on Augmented Reality, program co-chair of the 2001 International Symposium on Mixed Reality, and program co-chair of IEEE Virtual Reality 2000. In 1991 he received an Office of Naval Research Young Investigator Award.

参加費 (Fee)

無料 (Free)
   Anyone can attend it even if you are not a member.

参加申込み先 (Contact for registration)

   ATR音声言語コミュニケーション研究所 柴田 葉子
   Yoko Shibata(ATR SLT Labs)
      Tel: (0774) 95 1347   
      Fax: (0774) 95 1308
  会場準備の都合上、参加ご希望の方は、所属、お名前(ふりがな)および IEEE会員番号を上記参加申し込み先までEmail (Faxでも結構です)にて 5月22日(木)までにお知らせください。
Please register in advance. E-mail or fax IEEE member ID, your name and affiliation by May 22(Thu).

本件連絡先 (For further information)

   IEEE Kansai Section Technical Program Committee Secretary
      山本 誠一(ATR音声言語コミュニケーション研究所)
       Seiichi Yamamoto (ATR SLT Labs)


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