IEEE Kansai Section第20回技術講演会

IEEE Kansai Section第20回技術講演会
The 20th IEEE Kansai Section Lecture Meeting



"Adaptive Echo Cancellation for Voice Signals"


Dr Man Mohan Sondhi (Avayalabs Researchコンサルタント、
                現在ATR音声言語コミュニケーション研究所 招聘研究員)

日時(Time & Date)

Friday, April 18, 2003 11:00 - 12:00


ATR(Advanced Telecommunications Research Institute International)
地下大会議室(GF Big Conference Room)
〒619-0288 京都府相楽郡精華町光台 2-2-2
         ATRの地図(the map)  




In this talk Dr. Sondhi will present a brief chronological history of the development of adaptive echo cancellation starting with the beginning in the 1960s and continuing through the most recent algorithms. He will present mainly the work done at Bell Laboratories,and include some personal historical comments. 


Dr. Sondhi retired in 2001 from Bell Laboratories, Murray Hill, New Jersey,after a 39-year career. Prior to joining Bell Labs, he earned a B.Sc(Honors)degree in Physics from Delhi University, Delhi, India, a Diploma in Electrical Communication Engineering from the Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India, and M.S. and Ph.D. degree in Electrical Engineering from the University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI, USA. At Bell Labs his research was concerned with speech signal processing, adaptive filtering, acoustical inverse problems, speech recognition and analysis, and analysis and synthesis of speech using articulatory modeling. He was elected Bell Labs Fellow in 1999. He has received several awards, including the IEEE Sumner Pries for his work on echo cancellation. He has authored or co-authored about 120 papers and 10 patents. He is co-editor of a book on Speech Signal Processing, and a co-author of a book on Echo Cancellation. He was associate editor of the IEEE Transactions on ASSP for several years, and a distinguished lecturer of the ASSP society for 2 years.

参加費 (Fee)

無料 (Free)
   Anyone can attend it even if you are not a member.

参加申込み先 (Contact for registration)

   ATR音声言語コミュニケーション研究所 柴田 葉子
   Yoko Shibata(ATR SLT Labs)
      Tel: (0774) 95 1347   
      Fax: (0774) 95 1308
  会場準備の都合上、参加ご希望の方は、所属、お名前(ふりがな)および IEEE会員番号を上記参加申し込み先までEmail (Faxでも結構です)にて 4月11日(金)までにお知らせください。
Please register in advance. E-mail or fax IEEE member ID,yourname and affiliation by May 19(Mon).

本件連絡先 (For further information)

   IEEE Kansai Section Technical Program Committee Secretary
      山本 誠一(ATR音声言語コミュニケーション研究所)
       Seiichi Yamamoto (ATR SLT Labs)


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