第13・14・15回 IEEE Kansai Section技術講演会
IEEE Kansai Section シリーズ講演(全3回)のご案内
IEEE Members
IEEE Kansai Section
Chair Makoto Nagao
長尾 真
IEEE関西支部では、会員サービスの一環として技術講演会の企画・実施を行なっております。その第13回、第14回、第15回はシリーズ講演として、全3回の講演会を以下の要領で開催致します。 このシリーズは、京都大学との共催により、イリノイ大学Urbana-Champaign校のBruce R. Schatz教授を講演者としてお招きしています。それぞれの講演が独立しており、個別の講演として聞いて頂いても十分理解できる内容になっております。 参加ご希望の方は下記参加申し込み先へご連絡ください。
IEEE Kansai Section will have three serial lecture meetings as follows.
Anyone can attend it even if you are not a member.
Prof. Bruce R. Schatz
(University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (USA), CANIS Laboratory (Community Architectures for Network Information Systems), Graduate School of Library and Information Science. Guest Professor, Graduate School of Informatics, Kyoto University.)
http://www.canis.uiuc.edu/, schatz@kuis.kyoto-u.ac.jp
第1回目 (The first lecture)
"Functions of the Interspace"
日時(Time & Date)
November 14, 2001 (Wed) 10:30am-12:00pm
第2回目 (The second lecture)
"Technologies of the Interspace"
日時(Time & Date)
November 21, 2001 (Wed) 10:30am-12:00pm
第3回目 (The third lecture)
"Applications of the Interspace"
日時(Time & Date)
November 28, 2001 (Wed) 10:30am-12:00pm
京都大学工学部10号館 4階 第2講義室
4th Floor of Building No. 10, Faculty of Engineering, Kyoto University
The first lecture is based on an article to appear in IEEE Computer magazine for January 2002, special issue on Trends in Technology. The article is entitled "Concepts across the Interspace: Information Infrastructure for Community Knowledge".
The second lecture is based on an essay to appear in the January 2002 issue of Computer, giving the background for the article. It is entitled "Technology Trends for Information Retrieval in the Net".
The third lecture is based on an essay to appear in the March/April 2002 issue of IEEE Intelligent Systems magazine, special issue on Data Mining for Bioinformatics. It is entitled "Building Analysis Environments: Beyond the Genome and the Web".
第1回目(The first lecture)
This lecture covers the Evolution of Information Infrastructure from Networks to Spaces. The Infrastructure will move in the next 10 years from the Physical world of Documents to the Logical world of Spaces. The Internet will evolve into the Interspace. Presented will be Historical Charts on the evolution of information technologies and Sample Sessions of space navigation from research prototypes. The functions of Concept Navigation and Concept Switching will be discussed, with examples. For sample talk slides, see "The Net of the 21st Century: Concepts across the Interspace" under Publications at www.canis.uiuc.edu.. Or more recently, the slides for my invited talk at the Kyoto University conference on Digital Libraries from November. This can found under Publications under Talks. For overview papers, see "Concepts across the Interspace: Information Infrastructure for Community Knowledge", which will appear in the Jan 2002 Trends issue of IEEE Computer magazine. This can be found under Publications under Papers. The conference paper from the KyotoUniversity conference has somewhat more detail but less context, and contains some philosophical implications. Same place on the web site.
第2回目(The second lecture)
The feasibility of the Interspace depends on the maturity of several technologies. These have been utilized in research prototypes for many years, but are now mature enough for the mass infrastructure of the Net. This lecture will explain how these technologies are used to implement the Interspace. The particular technologies covered are: Natural Language Processing (from AI Artificial Intelligence), Statistical Information Clustering (from IR Information Retrieval), and Peer-Peer Computation Protocols (from OS Operating Systems). Presented will be trends for each technology and specific details of the use within the Interspace environment. The Sidebar 2 on Technology Trends from the Concepts across the Interspace paper gives a brief overview. More details can be found in the conference papers under Publications under Papers. For Natural Language, see "Extracting Noun Phrases from all of MEDLINE". For Information Clustering, see "Semantic Indexing for a Complete Subject Discipline". For Peer-Peer, see "Performance and Implications of Semantic Indexing in a Distributed Environment".
第3回目(The third lecture)
As Interspace technology becomes widely available, major applications using this technology will become possible. This lecture covers some large-scale prototypes, which have been carried out as research experiments and digital test beds. For Digital Libraries, the Illinois Digital Library project developed a federated testbed of journal articles in structured XML for a university campus. A follow-on Interspace was planned for the Medical Center at the University of Illinois. For Community Systems, the Worm Community System developed a federated test bed of genome databases for an international community of molecular biologists. A follow-on Interspace was planned for the Medical Center at the University of Michigan. Other planned Interspaces for Healthcare Information will also be presented. Sample slides can be found under Publications under Talks. See "Building Analysis Environments: Beyond the Genome and the Web". An overview article under Papers is "Science in the Net of the 21st Century". For applications specifically in Healthcare Infrastructure, see "Internet Health Monitors for Outcomes of Chronic Illness".
Bruce R. Schatz is Director of the COMMUNITY Architectures for Network Information SYSTEMS (CANIS) LABORATORY at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
He served as Principal Investigator of the NSF/DARPA/NASA Digital Libraries Initiative project, a $4M flagship effort in the Federal Program in National Information Infrastructure. This project has built a large-scale testbed of structured documents from engineering journals, still being served by the Engineering Library for federated search to 2500 users around campus.
He also served as Principal Investigator of the $3.5M flagship project in the DARPA Information Management Program, which built a prototype analysis environment to support community repositories (Interspace). The Interspace Prototype was used to semantically index all of MEDLINE, winning Best Paper at the 1999 annual meeting of the American Medical Informatics Association.
He is full Professor in Library and Information Science, Computer Science, Neuroscience, and Health Information Sciences. He is also a Senior Research Scientist at the National Center for Supercomputing Applications (NCSA), serving as the scientific advisor for digital libraries and information systems. He has served in this role since 1989, including the period during which NCSA developed Mosaic.
Schatz spent ten years in industrial R&D at Bellcore and Bell Labs, where he built prototypes of networked digital libraries which served as a foundation of current Internet services (Telesophy), and five years at the University of Arizona, where he was Principal Investigator of a $1.5M NSF National Collaboratory project which built a community system in molecular biology that served as a foundation of current Bioinformatics databases (Worm Community System).
He is currently on sabbatical, as a Guest Professor in the Graduate School of Informatics, Kyoto University (in the Department of Social Informatics under Professor Toru Ishida). With the support of a JSPS Fellowship for US Researchers, he is writing a book on Future Trends in Information Infrastructure.
参加費 (Fee)
無料 (Free)
参加申込み先 (Contact for registration)
619-288 京都府相楽郡精華町光台2-2
ATRメディア情報科学研究所 本庄由美子
Yumiko Honjo (ATR MIS Labs.)
Tel: (0774) 95 1404
Fax: (0774) 95 1408
E-mail: honjo@atr.co.jp
* 参加希望日は必ずご記入ください。
Please register in advance. E-mail or fax which lectures you want to attend (ex. first and third lectures) , IEEE member ID, your name and affiliation by November 5 (Mon).
本件連絡先 (For further information)
IEEE Kansai Section Technical Program Committee Secretary
間瀬 健二(ATRメディア情報科学研究所)
Kenji Mase (MIS Laboratories)
E-mail: mase@atr.co.jp