Message from the Technical Program Committee Chair
On behalf of the IMWS-IWPT2012 Technical Program Committee, it is my honor to
welcome you to the IMWS-IWPT 2012 in Kyoto, again, continuing of IMWS-IWPT2011
in Uji, Kyoto. Although IMWS-IWPT2011 was a great success, it was regrettable to
have a small number of attendees from overseas except for Japan. As you know,
it was due to the great earthquake occurred in Northern east area of Japan,
March 11, 2011 and consecutive accident of nuclear power plant in Fukushima.
Now, Japan is on a steady way to recovery and the safety is quite guaranteed.
This year, the TPC committee has prepared an advanced, exciting program that covered the whole
from the system to the component technologies concerning the wireless power transfer technology
and the energy harvesting. We had to choose 36 oral presentations for regular sessions and 24
poster presentations out of all submitted papers. It was a hard work for us, because all submitted
papers had very high quality.
The plenary session is scheduled on May 10, Thursday, with the opening keynote speech entitled
"Novel EV Society based on Motor/Capacitor/Wireless - Application of Electric Motor, Supercapacitors,
and Wireless Power Transfer to Enhance Operation of Future Vehicles -" by Professor Yoichi Hori from
the University of Tokyo, Japan. Then, Dr. Kamil A. Grajski from Qualcomm, USA, will be presenting
the second keynote speech entitled "Loosely-Coupled Wireless Power Transfer: Physics, Circuits,
Standards". The third keynote speech entitled "EM- and piezo- scavengers: two useful solutions in
highly humanized scenarios toward a "greener world"" will be given by Prof. Luca Roselli from the
University of Perugia. We are confident that these speeches are outstanding study results on the
most essential technology for practical use of the wireless power transfer systems.
The technology of WPT system is now on the stage, where the practical use is intensively studied.
This year, the TPC listed up as many topics of the workshops in the application-base as possible
and asked not only for Academy but also for Industry to submit their great contributions as a paper.
In addition, we have expanded the scope of the workshops highlighting high-efficiency power source,
rectifying circuit, and unique applications and methods of WPT, besides transmission technology.
We believe this might be very useful and helpful for your own research of WPT technology.
Please enjoy the various topics of IMWS-IWPT2012.
We are looking forward to seeing you soon in Kyoto, and wish you an enjoyable and creative stay
in Japan.
Technical Program Committee Chair