
The topics of the workshop include, but not limited to, the following

1.   Application and System
1.1  Long distance applications and systems of wireless power transmission 
1.2  Short distance applications and systems of wireless power transmission
1.3  Other applications and systems of wireless power transmission including Energy Harvesting

2.   Standardization, Regulation, and Biological Effects
2.1  Standardization and regulation including frequency, safety and emissions limits)
2.2  Biological effects of electromagnetic fields
2.3  Others

3.   Antenna, Coupling, and Transmission
3.1  Antenna theory and technologies for wireless power transmission 
3.2  Phased array theory and technologies which include phased array, beam forming,
       and DOA for microwave power transmission 
3.3  Coupling theory and technologies via resonators or inductors 
3.4  Others

4.   Circuits, Components and Devices
4.1  Rectenna and rectifying circuits theory and technologies for wireless power transmission 
4.2  Power amplifier and microwave tube theory and technologies
4.3  Circuits and components theory and technologies for wireless power transmission
4.4  Devices theory and technologies for wireless power transmission 
4.5  Others

5.   Others
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