Message from the Workshop Co-Chairs

shinohara   On behalf of the IMWS-IWPT2011 Organizing Committee, I am pleased
   to extend you a warm welcome and also an invitation to contribute to the
   IMWS-IWPT2011. This workshop is the first IMS Workshop in Japan and the 
   first workshop in which we mainly focus on the wireless power transmission
   (WPT) technologies and applications. We have plenary session, technical 
   sessions, and poster session on state-of-the-art technologies and 
   applications of the  WPT presented by leading experts from around the world.   

The WPT, especially microwave power transmission (MPT), has long technological history. There were a 
lot of researches and experiments of the MPT in the world. Especially, after proposal of the Space 
Solar Power Satellite (SPS) in 1968 which was biggest and most suitable MPT application, the MPT 
researches walked along the SPS. Based on the technological history, we have some kinds of new WPT 
technology like a resonant coupling and new applications suitable for the WPT in 21st century. 2011
is the first year of the innovative WPT technologies, systems and applications. 
I hope you have a fruitful time in the IMWS-IWPT2011 and you find new knowledge of the MPT and the 

Workshop Co-Chair 

kawasaki    The microwave technology has been great progress in the field of wired 
    and wireless telecommunication systems and a sensor system. As the third 
    usage of the RF and microwave frequency, wireless power supply and energy 
    transmission and the related energy harvesting have been paid much attention.
    The activities of the microwave power transmission (MPT) in Japan have been
    activated by the SSPS project.   

    The most significant point of MPT is the effective use of the carrier energy 
    in the signal with various kinds of modulation. In addition, this concept can
    be used in a radar system. In accordance with this stream, its application has 
been extended into the communication and sensing systems. In this workshop, attractive active/passive 
microwave components, antennas and systems for MWPT are demonstrated. Standing this view point, 
we greatly expect the fruitful discussion. 

Shigeo KAWASAKI   
Workshop Co-Chair 

awai    Though I am a microwave engineer, some people do not think I am, because 
    I have plunged into the field of power transmission. The microwave technology 
    is so wide that it sometimes conceals the background of an engineer. In fact, 
    I was inspired by the microwave concepts to deal with the resonator and/or line 
    coupled WPT systems. 

    The development of WPT systems, however, has revealed the culture difference 
    between the microwave  and power electronics societies. Considering the 
    importance of the present technology, we are expected to cooperate toward its 
    earliest practical application. The warm atmosphere of cooperation over the 
world after the disaster in Japan will help improve the world-wide public welfare, not only the reconstruction 
of Japan. 

Ikuo AWAI   
Workshop Co-Chair
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