
 IEEE R10 HTC (Humanitarian Technology Conference) 2025 is an annual flagship conference of IEEE Region 10, Asia Pacific Region, for a wide range of stakeholders (engineers, scientists, investors, NGO representatives, government officials, academia, industry, etc.) who will attend this conference. The conference is held from September 29 through October 1, 2025, at the Chiba University of Commerce, near Ichikawa station, Chiba, Japan (approximately 20 minutes from Tokyo Station by Express Train). This is the second time the event has been held in Japan, after 10 years since the first was held in Sendai, Japan.

 The theme of the HTC 2025 is Beyond SDGs -A New Humanitarian Era with Intelligent Partners -

 More than 200 participants are expected to participate the conference, and most of them are students, graduate students, professionals, and industrial persons. Among them, more than 100 oversea participants are expected.
 In addition to presentations and discussions on issues such as electricity, telecommunications, computers, security, and disaster countermeasures, the conference will include SYWL+I (Student/ Young Professional/ Women/Life Member + Industry) events, receptions, banquets, and other events are also planned. We are planning to offer various benefits to corporate sponsors, such as keynote speech slots, booth exhibition slots, company logo on the web, and invitations to multiple participants.

The HTC 2025 is hosted by IEEE Tokyo Section and co-sponsored by IEEE Region 10 and Chiba University of Commerce.

Benefit Details

The industry promotion committee of the HTC 2025 is seeking sponsors.

Platinum: 1,000,000 JPY : One keynote speech, 6 conference registrations, Acknowledgements in Opening Ceremony, Company Logo on the Conference web page, two exhibition booths, and items included in the conference bag.
Gold: 500,000 JPY : One invited speech, 4 conference registration, Acknowledgements in the Opening Ceremony, Company Logo on the Conference web page, one exhibition booth, and item included in the conference bag.
Silver: 300,000 JPY : 3 conference registration, and Company Logo on the Conference web page, and one exhibition booth.
Bronze: 200,000 JPY : 2 conference registration, and Company Logo on the Conference web page, and one exhibition booth.
Keynote / Invited speech Exhibition booth Conference registrations Company Logo on Web site Price (JPY)
Platinum 1 (Keynote) 2 6 persons Web site 1,000,000
Gold 1 (Keynote) 1 4 persons Web site 500,000
Silver 0 1 3 persons Web site 300,000
Bronze 0 1 2 persons Web site 200,000
If you are interested in sponsoring the event, please contact at r10-htc2025@listserv.ieee.org .


Sponsor list comes here.