
Welcome to IEEE GRSS All Japan Joint Chapter

IEEE GRSS All Japan Joint Chapter (GRSS AJC) was established in 1982 as a local comunity of IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Society.
We are working as a hub of geoscience and remote sensing communities.
Please let us know if you have any information that may be interesting for Japanese researchers.


Contact Information

Chair Junichi SUSAKI Kyoto University
C1-2-332 Kyoto University Katsura, Nishikyo-ku, Kyoto,
615-8540, Japan
susaki.junichi.3r [at] kyoto-u.ac.jp
Vice Chair Yu OKADA Mitsubishi Electric Co.
325 Kamimachiya, Kamakura, Kanagawa,
247-8520, Japan
Okada.Yu [at] eb.MitsubishiElectric.co.jp
Secretary Hideomi GOKON Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology
1-1 Asahidai, Nomi, Ishikawa,
923-1292, Japan
gokon [at] jaist.ac.jp
Treasurer Kenta OBATA Aichi Prefectural University
1522-3 Ibaragabasama, Nagakute-shi, Aichi-ken,
480-1198, Japan
obata [at] ist.aichi-pu.ac.jp