- IEEE EMC-S Japan Joint / Sendai Chapter講演会/Lecture by a Distinguished Speakers
(2023/12/13) - IEEE EMC Society Japan Joint / Sendai Chapters Young Engineer Award 2023表彰式/Award ceremony
(2023/12/13) - IEEE EMC Society Japan Joint / Sendai Chapters Student Award 2022表彰式/Award ceremony
- IEEE EMC-S Japan Joint / Sendai Chapter講演会/Lecture by a Distinguished Lecturer
(2022/12/09) - IEEE EMC Society Japan Joint / Sendai Chapters Young Engineer Award 2022表彰式/Award ceremony
(2022/12/07) - IEEE EMC Society Japan Joint / Sendai Chapters Student Award 2021表彰式(オンライン)/Award ceremony (virtual)
- IEEE EMC-S Japan Joint / Sendai Chapter講演会/Lecture by a Distinguished Lecturer
(2021/12/10) - IEEE EMC Society Japan Joint Chapter Young Engineer Award
(2021/11/04) - IEEE EMC-S Japan Joint / Sendai Chapters 講演会/Lecture by Distinguished Lecturer (名古屋工業大学 平田 晃正 教授/Prof. Hirata, Nagoya Institute of Technology)
(2021/10/07) - IEEE EMC Society Japan Joint / Sendai Chapters Student Award 2020表彰式(オンライン)/Award ceremony (virtual)
(2021/03/10) - RF電磁界ドシメトリ評価のための数値解析に関する学術講演会(オンデマンド講演会)/Workshop on Numerical Dosimetry for Assessment of Exposures to RF Electromagnetic Fields (On-demand)
Sponsored by IEEE MTT-S Nagoya Chapter
(2021/02/25 – 2021/02/26)
- IEEE EMC-S Japan Joint / Sendai Chapter講演会/Lecture by a Distinguished Lecturer
(2020/12/18) - 2020 IEEE International Symposium on EMC, SI & PI
(2020/07/27 – 2020/07/31) - IEEE EMC-S Lecture by Distinguished Lecturer
(2020/7/2 or 3) - IEEE EMC Society Japan Joint / Sendai Chapters Student Award 2019表彰式(中止)/Award ceremony (canceled)