[主催・共催] IEEE会長特別講演会

IEEE名古屋支部では、IEEE会長のJosé M.F. Moura氏をお招きし、名城大学との共催により、特別講演会を開催いたします。また会長による講演に先立ってMaciej Ogorzalek氏による講演も予定されています。多数の方々のご来場をお待ちいたします。

日時: 2019年5月29日(水)16:00-18:00 
会場: 名城大学天白キャンパス 研究実験棟ⅡK261
 題目: 3D Integrated Nanosystems -Advances and Challenges
 講師: Prof. Maciej J. Ogorzalek
     (Jagiellonian University Krakow)
 題目: Traffic Counts from Webcams
 講師: Prof. José M. F. Moura
     (IEEE 会長, Carnegie Mellon University)

題目: Traffic Counts from Webcams
講師: Prof. José M. F. Moura     
(IEEE 会長, Carnegie Mellon University)
講演概要: Over half the world population lives today in cities and urban population is expected to grow to 66% of the 9.8 billion humans in the planet by 2050. Many cities have adopted an open data policy, making available many diverse datasets, a great opportunity to develop new data analytics to help city managers and planners to better manage their resources and better design their cities. This talk focus on transit mobility that is, not social or economic mobility, in particular, we present a deep data analytics methodology to extract traffic density from low resolution city webcams and discuss some of the issues when attempting to scale-up our proposed solution to provide a broad high-spatial and high-temporal panorama of traffic mobility covering a whole metro area.
講師略歴: José M. F. Moura, www.ece.cmu.edu/~moura, is IEEE President and CEO. He is the Philip L. and Marsha Dowd University Professor at CMU, with interests in signal processing and data science. He invented (with Alek Kavcic) a detector found in at least 60% of the disk drives of all computers sold worldwide in the last 13 years (over 3 billion) – the subject of a 2016 US $750 Million settlement between CMU and Marvell, the largest settlement ever in the information technologies intellectual property area and 3rd largest overall. Moura received the CMU College of Engineering Distinguished Professor Award, the IEEE Signal Processing Society Technical Achievement Award and its Society Award. He is Fellow of the IEEE and of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, AAAS, corresponding member of the Academy of Sciences of Portugal, Fellow of the US National Academy of Innovators, and member of the US National Academy of Engineering.

題目: 3D Integrated Nanosystems – Advances and Challenges
講師: Prof. Maciej J. Ogorzalek
   (Jagiellonian University Krakow)
講演概要:Integrated circuits are omnipresent. We not only use mobile phones, personal computers but we are surrounded by systems whose operation highly depends on advances sensors, processing systems, controllers etc. such as home appliances, cars, smart cards, smart energy systems, bio-medical equipement, smart offices, transportation systems and many others. There are more and more new applications appearing in the picture with enormous data flows to deal with and process for our advantage. For these new envisaged applications we will need electronic systems with much improved, maybe 1000 times, performance in terms of power consumption, speed of operation and reliability. As the sizing of transistors in current technologies comes to the atomic distance limitations further development becomes possible by either introduction of new disruptive technologies or changing in geometric arrangements and architectures of the elements and building blocks. Some limitations in microcircuit constructions can be avoided by putting whole building blocks and sub-circuits in stacks. Such an approach allows for more efficient space usage at the same time allowing circuit footprint reduction. New routing solutions offer very significant wire-length reductions thus reducing power dissipations and signal delays. 3D integration looks as a fantastic new area of development, however, there are many new challenges and problems to be solved for the next generation of nano systems. 3D integration offers also unprecedented opportunities by allowing blocks fabricated in heterogeneous technologies to be integrated in one chip. This allows for stacking and integration of microprocessors, memories, RF circuitry, sensors, batteries and hyper-capacitors, energy harvesting blocks, biological and chemical sensors and many new types of building blocks in one chip. However innovation is needed for new developments. In this lecture we will present the state of-the-art and an outlook with commentaries what new solutions might be needed.
講師略歴:MACIEJ J. OGORZALEK is Professor and Head of the Department of Information Technologies, Jagiellonian University Krakow, Poland. He held visiting positions in Denmark, Switzerland, Germany, Spain, US, Japan, Hong Kong. In 2005 he was Hertie Foundation guest professor at The Goethe University Frankfurt/Germany. 2006-2009 he held the Chair of Bio-signals and Systems, Hong Kong Polytechnic University under the Distinguished Scholars Scheme. In the fall 2018 he was guest professor at Waseda University/Tokio and in spring 2019 distinguished guest professor at Kyoto University, Japan. Author of over 400 technical papers published in journals and conference proceedings, and the book Chaos and Complexity in Nonlinear Electronic Circuits (World Scientific). He has served as Associate Editor for several international scientific journals. Plenary or Keynote speaker at over 60 major international conferences and workshops. He served IEEE in various capacities including Circuits and Systems Society President 2008 and Member of the iEEE Board of Directors 2016-2017 as Division 1 Director. In 2012 elected Member of Academia Europaea and in 2016 Corresponding Member of the Polish Academy of Sciences.