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2014年度〜2015年度 Chair挨拶

石川 佳寿子

WIE 第5代 Chair
(株)ピコサーム 石川 佳寿子

IEEE Japan Council WIE の 第5代 Chair (2014-15年) を拝命した石川です。 着任にあたりご挨拶申し上げます。

まず初代会長 黒田道子先生、第2代会長 國井秀子氏、第3代会長 Basabi Chakraborty先生、第4代会長 橋本隆子先生を始めとする歴代の役員・関係者の皆様のこれまでのご尽力に敬意を表したいと思います。IEEE JC WIE は 2005年5月に設立され、本年で10年目を迎えます。これまで、女性技術者・研究者のロールモデルの紹介、ネットワーキング推進、キャリア開発のためのワークショップなど、さまざまな活動を行ってまいりました。




Fifth Chair of WIE
Kazuko Ishikawa, PicoTherm Corporation

Please allow me, Kazuko Ishikawa, a few words upon assuming duties as the fifth chair of IEEE Japan Council Women in Engineering Affinity Group.

First, I want to commend the efforts of my predecessors, First Chair Professor Michiko Kuroda, Second Chair Dr. Hideko Kunii, Third Chair Professor Basabi Chakraborty and Fourth Chair Professor Takako Hashimoto, as well as the efforts of the board members and all who have contributed. IEEE JC WIE will soon round out a full decade since its May 2005 founding. In the first decade, we held workshops and other activities to introduce role models for women engineers and researchers, to promote networking, and to advance careers.

These days both expectations and opportunities are increasing for advancing women’s activities in society. We women engineers and researchers are becoming more numerous every year and our milieu is changing, but many issues remain.

Looking toward a society in which women’s sensitivities and imaginations contribute to future technologies and carve out the future, I aim to support career advancement for women engineers and researchers, and increase membership. I believe that networking and the presentation of career models play important roles in overcoming barriers to women’s career advancement.

I will do my best to move forward on a firm footing and ask all members to continue to lend me and the group their support.


2012年度〜2013年度 Chair挨拶


WIE 第4代 Chair
千葉商科大学 橋本隆子

IEEE Japan Council WIE の 第4代 Chair (2012-13年) を拝命した橋本です.

まず初代会長 黒田道子先生,第2代会長 國井秀子氏,第3代会長 Basabi Chakraborty先生を始めとする歴代の役員・関係者の皆様のこれまでのご尽力に敬意を表したいと思います.IEEE JC WIE は 2005年5月に設立され,本年で8年目を迎えようとしています.これまで女性技術者・研究者のロールモデルの紹介,ネットワーキング推進,キャリア開発のためのワークショップなど,さまざまな活動を行ってまいりました.これらの活動は国内外から高く評価され,2009年にはIEEE WIE Affinity Group of the Year Award 及び IEEE R10 WIE Affinity Group of the Year Award の2つの章を受賞しました.IEEE JC WIE が今日ここまで発展してきたのは,JC WIEの役員に皆様が女性技術者,研究者の育成,IEEE 地位向上さらには国際的な貢献のためにご多忙にも拘わらず粘り強い活動をされていらした成果だと思います.

日本における女性技術者・研究者をとりまく環境は日々改善されてきていますが,それでも女性がエンジニアリング分野で活躍するためには,まだまだ課題が多い状況です.特に日本では,封建的な考え方や地域的な制限により女性の活躍が阻まれるということが少なくありません.女性の地位は未だに極めて低く,世界経済フォーラムの Gender Gap Indexで98位という状態です.

こうした中,IEEEという国際的な学会組織において,我々JC WIEは世界,とりわけアジア諸国と手を結び,日本の女性技術者, 研究者のレベルアップを推進していくことができると確信しています.ぜひ多くの皆さまに JC WIE の活動にご参加いただき,ご指導・ご協力を賜ることができれば..と望んでおります.

微力ながら,着実に前進していきたいと思いますので, 会員の皆様には従前同様変わらずご支援のほど宜しくお願いします.

As the 4th Chair of IEEE Japan Council Women In Engineering Affinity Group, please allow me a few words as I assume my duties.

First, let me commend the efforts of our First Chair Professor Michiko Kuroda, the Second Chair Dr. Hideko Kunii, the Third Chair Professor Basabi Chakraborty, and the board members as well as all the others who have contributed. WIE Japan has marked 8 years since its establishment in May 2005. We made great progress by promoting various activities for supporting female researchers and engineers. Our activities have been highly evaluated both at home and abroad and on 2009. We received both IEEE WIE Affinity Group of the Year Award and IEEE R10 WIE Affinity Group of the Year Award. This reflects our persistence efforts in nurturing female engineers and researchers, improving the status, and their international contributions.

Women researchers' and engineers' status in Japan has been improved gradually, but it is still very low, ranking 98th in the Gender Gap Index of the World Economic Forum. Still a lot of problems remain for the women to take active role in the field of engineering. Particularly in Japan, women's outside activity is not encouraged by feudal mindedness and conservative regional limitations.

In addition to this, the prolonged economic recession and the Great East Japan Earthquake and other disasters tend to force the support for female engineers/researchers to diminish.
In this situation, it is very important for us, women engineers, to build network and cooperate with each other for opening up of our career and contribution to the society.
With this view in mind my plan is to promote the extension of the activities of IEEE JC WIE to consider recovering areas destroyed by disasters besides conventional activities. Especially, as for the education and female career developments, I believe that JC WIE can lead different programs in this situation.

Our basic aim is to further develop our current activities to improve the career development of women engineers and researchers. It is my great pleasure to welcome our new members. I sincerely hope that for the coming two years I will receive your positive involvement, constructive opinion and continued support and with our collective effort we will be able to make major contributions in improving women's status and participation in Scienfic and Engineering field world wide.

My warmest regards and sincere thanks to all IEEE JC members for their full-hearted support.

Takako Hashimoto

2010年度〜2011年度 Chair挨拶


Greetings to all and best wishes for the New Year!!

It is my pleasure to become the third Chair of IEEE JC Women in Engineering Affinity Group. I feel very much honored to assume the duties from my predecessor, Dr. Hideko Kunii, an enthusiastic entrepreneur and a leading professional in her field.

I hope to make good use of the wisdom and experience I inherited from her during past years. WIE Japan has been able to make its presence quite visible in and outside Japan due to her hard work and visionary leadership for the past two years. I am also grateful to all the board members for their sincere efforts to enhance the activities of WIE Japan and for organizing various successful events to nurture and improve the status of female engineers and researchers.

We are happy to find that this year women's status in Japan has been improved according to the ranking of Gender Gap Index by the World Economic Forum. But it is still poor compared to other industrialized nations. We need to extend our current activities to increase participation and involvement of women in work pool, particularly in scientific and technical areas, which is an extremely urgent need for the nation’s economic development amidst declining population.

In this era of globalization, in order to fulfill an international obligation, it is very important to establish cooperation with other WIE Affinity groups in Region 10 member countries by organizing joint activities to achieve empowerment of women in society.

It is my great pleasure to welcome our new members. I sincerely hope that for the coming two years I will receive your positive involvement, constructive opinion and continued support and with our collective effort we will be able to make major contributions in improving women’s status and participation in Scienfic and Engineering field world wide.

My warmest regards and sincere thanks to all IEEE JC members for their full-hearted support.

Basabi Chakraborty
Associate Professor,
Dept. of Software and Information Science,
Iwate Prefectural University, Iwate

2008年度〜2009年度 Chair挨拶

リコーITソリューションズ(株) 國井秀子

2005年度〜2007年度 Chair挨拶

東京工科大学 黒田 道子