IEEE Milestone Dedication Ceremony and Commemorative Lecture
(The 2009 Second Commemorative Lecture of Tokyo Section)
The Ferrite materials and their applications, invented in Tokyo Institute of Technology and developed
by TDK Corporation, was approved as an IEEE Milestone on May 19, 2009. The Milestone Dedication Ceremony
sponsored by the Tokyo Section was held at the Centennial Hall of Tokyo Institute of Technology at 11:30
on Tuesday, October 13th. Dr. Eiichi Ohno, IEEE Japan Council History Committee Chair, explained the
background of the approval. Dr. Richard Gowen, IEEE History Committee Chair, presented commemorative plates
to Professor Kenichi Iga, President Tokyo Institute of Technology, and Mr. Takehiro Kamigama, President & CEO,
TDK Corporation.
Press Release (Link to Tokyo Institute of Technology Web Page) *Japanese-only
After Milestone Dedication Ceremony, four lectures commemorative of Milestone were held.
The titles and invited lecturers are listed below.
Titles |
Lecturers |
University Inventions and the IEEE Milestone |
Dr. Kenichi Iga President, Tokyo Institute of Technology |
University-launched Venture Business |
Mr. Takashi Yanagi Director, Research Environment and Industrial Cooperation
Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology |
Academic Findings of Ferrite |
Prof. Yohtaro Yamazaki Tokyo Institute of Technology |
Industrialization and Development of Ferrite |
Dr. Akira Okamoto Advisor, TDK History Museum |
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The 2009 Second Meeting of Japan Council Long Range Strategy Committee

The 2009 Second Meeting of Japan Council Long Range Strategy Committee (LRSC) was held at TKP Tokyo Business Center
from 3:00p.m on Thursday July 2.
Meeting SummaryF
The minutes of the first LRSC was anonymously approved.
And agenda of this meeting is set to discuss how JC can contribute IEEE various activities.
Three possible ideas were on the table.
(1)JC may assist potential volunteers to be involved regional activities and IEEE committees.
(2)JC may assist Technical Activities by international technical conference coordination in Japan.
(3)JC may assist Standardization Activities by conference coordination in Japan.
After discussion of feasibility, the committee concluded that the committee will discuss how to assist potential
volunteers so that JC can continuously provide volunteers to IEEE regional activities and IEEE committees.
JC Chair, Dr. Aoki requested LRSC to contact IEICE to exchange information regarding academic societies long
term issues. LRSC will take this request and will contact IEICE in due course.
Schedule for 2009
Third Meeting - November 9 (Mon) in Tokyo
The 2009 Second Meeting of Japan Council Executive Committee

The 2009 Second Meeting of Japan Council Executive Committee was held on August 3 (Mon), from 3:00 p.m. at
Nagoya University, Aichi.
2010 IEEE Medals/Awards Recipients in Japan
Nine members in Japan received 2010 IEEE Technical Field Awards.
For details,
click here. (Link to IEEE HQ Web Page)