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Second Lecture of 2008 hosted by IEEE Tokyo SectionDr. Michael N. Geselowitz, Director of IEEE History Center, gave a lecture titled "Activities of the IEEE History Center and Milestones" on May 19th.
Second Meeting of 2008 of Tokyo Section Executive CommitteeThe Second Tokyo Section Executive Committee Meeting of 2008 was held at Toshiba Beulding from 15:00pm on June 23(Mon.).
IEEE Region 10 Annual General Meeting 2008Region 10 Annual General Meeting 2008 was held in Amehabard, India on 2-3th Februrary 2008. Makoto Hanawa, Executive Committee Member, attended the meeting from Tokyo Section and Tsutomu Sugawara from Japan Council. Delegates include guests and representatives from IEEE head quarter, Region 10, Council and Sections, and total number of official attendee was 99. The meeting was very successful and it reflected importance of Region 10 in IEEE.
Notice from IEEE Tokyo Section Office
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