Year 2005 Forth Meeting of IEEE Tokyo Section Executive CommitteeYear 2005 Forth Meeting of IEEE Tokyo Section Executive Committee was held at the conference room of Sumitomo Kaikan from 15pm on Wednesday Devermber 17.
=2006 Meeting Schedule= Year 2005 Third Meeting of Japan Council CommiteeYear 2005 Third Meeting of Japan Council Committee was held at Sumitomo Kaikan from 15pm on Wednesday December 3.
Year 2005 Second Meeting of Chapter Operations Committee
The Second Meeting of the IEEE Japan Council Chapter Operations Committee of 2005 was held on November 14 (Mon.)
from 3:00p.m. to 4:45p.m. at Kousai Kaikan, Tokyo. Section Congress 2005
IEEE Sections Congress 2005, which is a triennial gathering of Section
leadership sponsored by the Regional Activities Board, was held in Tampa,
Florida, USA, from October 14th to October 17th, 2005. The number of
participants from Japan is 17, including Dr. Hayashi from Tokyo Section.
On Saturday and Sunday in Breakout Sessions participants discussed on 54
themes categorized in three tracks, that is, membership, section
operations, and relations. IEEE Student Branch Leadership Training Workshop 2005IEEE Student Branch Leadership Training Workshop 2005 was held in Yokohama National University on November 3, 2005. 55 students from 16 Student Branches in Japan gathered together. After the self-introduction of the participants and the reports from each branched, student branch leadership training took place under the guidance by Professor Nishihara, Branch Counselor of the Student Branch of Tokyo Institute of Technology. Group discussions were also held. At the Banquet a memorial plaque was presented to Professor Nishihara for his 10 years contribution to the training workshop. A 10th anniversary plaque was presented to Yokohama National University and a Branch banner was presented to newly founded Nagoya University Branch.
2006 New FellowsIEEE head office announced the 2006 new Fellow promotions. 18 people from the Tokyo Section and 27 people nationally were promoted.I would like to extend my sincere congratulations to those who received promotions. Notice from IEEE Tokyo Section Office