IEEE Communications Society Kansai Chapter
Activities in 2020
Last updated: 5 Nov. 2020
1st Technical Lecture
(The event ended with 22 attendees including 16 IEEE members)
- Title: What essentially is blockchain
- Lecturer: Terrence Wang, Co-founder and CTO, IOST FOUNDATION
- Abstract: Blockchain technology can explain as the value of data which enables companies to extremely difficult to tamper data and making it possible to build systems with virtually no downtime at a lower cost than traditional database or servers. The blockchain system has general-purpose capabilities beyond handling virtual currencies; a blockchain platform has a protocol called Smart Contracts, a mechanism to ensure that blockchain contracts are reliable, and a built-in programming language to do so. Examples of social implementation of the technology is by applying the blockchain technology to electric power Peer-to-Peer trading where power generators will be able to sell power at a higher price than the existing system (trading through intermediaries), and consumers will be able to purchase power at a lower price and freely choose the generation source they want to purchase. In healthcare, having one's own health information data is a way to take responsibility for one's own health and from a self-medication point of view, it leads to savings in health care costs, and blockchain technology ensures reliability and security with a promising application technology.
- Biography: B.S. of Computer Science, University of Minnesota and M.S. of Computer Science, Princeton University. Terry researched Distributed Systems at both universities. His real world software engineer experiences started from Microsoft and Uber in Silicon Valley. At Uber, was in a team developing Uber China App backend and core function of Uber Subscription in North America from 0 to 1. It was the hottest time for the sharing economy. Uber started from a small company and to a billion-dollar business, and then a giant with tens of billions of dollars. When Terry was recruited, he was told that the company's valuation would likely to double five times next month, and maybe ten times the following. Terry's enthusiasm for blockchain already showed at Princeton, he developed CoinLang, a higher-level functional language for bitcoin and CoinJoin, which largely enhances anonymity security of bitcoin. After experiences in Silicon Valley and five years of research experience in cryptocurrency and distributed algorithms, he has believed to build my own chain, and could build it well. Of course, bitcoin and later Ethereum models made he think so.
- Date: 28 October 2020, 18:00 - 19:15
- Place: Zoom online
- Language: English
- Organizer: IEEE ComSoC Kansai Chapter, IEEE Kansai Section
- Registration: Here
by 23 Oct 2020. - Registration fee: Free
- Chair: Tomotaka Wada (Kansai University)
- Vice Chair: Hai Lin (Osaka Prefecture University)
- Secretary: Kazuo Kumamoto (Osaka Institute of Technology)
- Treasurer: Takeshi Higashino (Nara Institute of Science and Technology)
- Advisor: Hiroyuki Kumazawa (Osaka Sangyo University)
- Advisor: Minoru Okada (Nara Institute of Science and Technology)
Activities in 2019
Last updated: 4 December 2019
6th Technical Lecture (ComSoc DLT)
(The event ended with 11 attendees including 5 IEEE members)
- Title: The Evolution of Data Center Network Architectures
- Lecturer: Prof. Suresh Subramaniam
George Washington University, USA - Bio and abstract: abstract
- Date: 21 Nov 2019, 14:10 - 15:10
- Place: Lecture room A, Umeda Satellite Campus, Osaka Sangyo University
(1-1-3 Umeda Kita-ku Osaka, Osaka Station 3 building ) - Language: English
- Organizer: IEEE ComSoC Kansai Chapter, IEEE Kansai Section
- Co-organizer: Osaka Sangyo University
- Registration: Please email your name, affiliation, and IEEE membership number (optional) to Secretary
H. Lin (lin(at) by 14 Nov 2019. - Registration fee: Free
5th Technical Lecture (ComSoc DLT)
(The event ended with 5 attendees including 5 IEEE members)
- Title: Super Resolution Blind Channel-and-Signal Estimation in Massive MIMO Systems
- Lecturer: Prof. Yingjun Angela Zhang
The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong - Bio and abstract: abstract
- Date: 26 July 2019, 16:00 - 17:30
- Place: Lecture room A, Umeda Satellite Campus, Osaka Sangyo University
(1-1-3 Umeda Kita-ku Osaka, Osaka Station 3 building ) - Language: English
- Organizer: IEEE ComSoC Kansai Chapter, IEEE Kansai Section
- Co-organizer: Osaka Sangyo University
- Registration: Please email your name, affiliation, and IEEE membership number (optional) to Secretary
H. Lin (lin(at) by 18 July 2019. - Registration fee: Free
4th Technical Lecture (ComSoc DLT)
(The event ended with 13 attendees including 9 IEEE members)
- Title: Wireless Powered Edge Computing
- Lecturer: Prof. Yingjun Angela Zhang
The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong - Bio and abstract: abstract
- Date: 22 July 2019, 15:00 - 16:15
- Place: Lecture room N2, No 9 Research Bldg, Yoshida Campus, Kyoto University
(Yoshida-honmachi, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto ) - Language: English
- Organizer: IEEE ComSoc Kansai Chapter, IEEE Kansai Section
- Co-organizer: Morikura Lab, Kyoto University
- Registration: Please email your name, affiliation, and IEEE membership number (optional) to Secretary
H. Lin (lin(at) by 18 July 2019. - Registration fee: Free
3rd Technical Lecture
(The event ended with 8 attendees including one IEEE member)
- Title: Towards Smart and Reconfigurable Environment: Intelligent Reflecting Surface Aided Wireless Network
- Lecturer: Dr. Rui Zhang, IEEE Fellow, Associate Professor
National University of Singapore, Singapore - Bio and abstract: abstract
- Date: 20 June 2019, 10:30 - 12:00
- Place: B4-E417 seminar room, Nakamozu Campus, Osaka Prefecture University
(1-1 Gakuen-cho, Nakaku, Sakai, Osaka ) - Language: English
- Organizer: IEEE ComSoc Kansai Chapter
- Co-organizer: Division of Electrical and Information System, Osaka Prefecture University
- Registration: Please email your name, affiliation, and IEEE membership number (optional) to Secretary
H. Lin (lin(at) by 17 June 2019. - Registration fee: Free
2nd Technical Lecture
(The event ended with 8 attendees including one IEEE member)
- Title: Fundamental Limits and Coding for Additive Gaussian and Non-Gaussian/Non-Linear Channels
- Lecturer: Dr. Nghi Tran, Associate Professor
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, The University of Akron, Akron, OH, USA - Bio and abstract: abstract
- Date: 17 June 2019, 13:00 - 14:30
- Place: B4-E417 seminar room, Nakamozu Campus, Osaka Prefecture University
(1-1 Gakuen-cho, Nakaku, Sakai, Osaka ) - Language: English
- Organizer: IEEE ComSoc Kansai Chapter
- Co-organizer: Division of Electrical and Information System, Osaka Prefecture University
- Registration: Please email your name, affiliation, and IEEE membership number (optional) to Secretary
H. Lin (lin(at) by 14 June 2019. - Registration fee: Free
1st Technical Lecture
(The event ended with 7 attendees including one IEEE member)
- Title: Real-Time Resource Allocation for 5G NR
- Lecturer: Prof. Tom Hou, IEEE Fellow
Bradley Distinguished Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA, USA - Bio and abstract: abstract
- Date: 10 June 2019, 10:30 - 12:00
- Place: B4-E417 seminar room, Nakamozu Campus, Osaka Prefecture University
(1-1 Gakuen-cho, Nakaku, Sakai, Osaka ) - Language: English
- Organizer: IEEE ComSoc Kansai Chapter
- Co-organizer: Division of Electrical and Information System, Osaka Prefecture University
- Registration: Please email your name, affiliation, and IEEE membership number (optional) to Secretary
H. Lin (lin(at) by 7 June 2019. - Registration fee: Free
- Chair: Takeshi Higashino (Nara Institute of Science and Technology)
- Vice Chair: Kazuo Kumamoto (Osaka Institute of Technology)
- Secretary: Hai Lin (Osaka Prefecture University)
- Treasurer: Tomotaka Wada (Kansai University)
- Advisor: Hiroyuki Kumazawa (Osaka Sangyo University)
- Advisor: Minoru Okada (Nara Institute of Science and Technology)
Activities in 2018
3rd Technical Lecture
(The event ended with 21 attendees including 5 IEEE members)
- Title: Hybrid Beamforming Design for Millimeter-Wave Multi-Carrier Systems
- Lecturer: Prof. Chi-chao Chao
Tsing Hua Distinguished Professor, National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan - Bio and abstract: abstract
- Date: 15 Nov 2018, 16:00 - 18:00
- Place: Lecture room A, Umeda Satellite Campus, Osaka Sangyo University
(1-1-3 Umeda Kita-ku Osaka, Osaka Station 3 building ) - Language: English
- Organizer: IEEE ComSoc Kansai Chapter, IEEE Kansai Section
- Co-organizer: Osaka Sangyo University
- Registration: Please email your name, affiliation and IEEE membership number to Secretary
H. Lin (lin(at) by 9 Nov 2018. - Registration fee: Free
2nd Technical Lecture (ComSoc DLT)
(The event ended with 31 attendees including 18 IEEE members)
- Title: Cellular Network Controlled UAV-to-X Communications for 5G and Beyond
- Lecturer: Prof. Lingyang Song
Boya Distinguished Professor, Peking University, China - Bio and abstract: abstract
- Date: 19 Oct 2018, 16:00 - 17:30
- Place: Lecture room A, Umeda Satellite Campus, Osaka Sangyo University
(1-1-3 Umeda Kita-ku Osaka, Osaka Station 3 building ) - Language: English
- Organizer: IEEE ComSoc Kansai Chapter, IEEE Kansai Section
- Co-organizer: Osaka Sangyo University
- Registration: Please email your name, affiliation and IEEE membership number to Secretary
H. Lin (lin(at) by 18 Oct 2018. - Registration fee: Free
1st Technical Lecture
(The event ended with 12 attendees including 5 IEEE members)

- Title: Novel FFT over Binary Finite Fields and Its Application to Reed-Solomon Erasure Codes
- Lecturer: Prof. Yunghsiang S. Han (IEEE Fellow)
School of Electrical Engineering & Intelligentization, Dongguan University of Technology, China - Date: 4 Apr 2018, 15:00 - 16:20
- Place: KC308, Kochikan Bldg, Kyotanabe Campus, Doshisha University
(1-3 Tatara, Kyotanabe, Kyoto ) - Language: English
- Organizer: IEEE ComSoc Kansai Chapter, IEEE Kansai Section
- Co-organizer: Doshisha University
- Chair: Takeshi Higashino (Nara Institute of Science and Technology)
- Vice Chair: Kazuo Kumamoto (Osaka Institute of Technology)
- Secretary: Hai Lin (Osaka Prefecture University)
- Treasurer: Tomotaka Wada (Kansai University)
- Advisor: Hiroyuki Kumazawa (Osaka Sangyo University)
- Advisor: Minoru Okada (Nara Institute of Science and Technology)
Activities in 2017
2017 Student Workshop
(The event ended with 15 attendees including 6 IEEE members)
Organizer | IEEE COMSOC Kansai Chapter |
Co-organizer | Osaka Sangyo University |
Date | 26 Oct 13:30 - Reception, 14:00 - Start |
Place | Lecture room A, Umeda Satellite Campus, Osaka Sangyo University (1-1-3 Umeda Kita-ku Osaka, Osaka Station 3 building ) |
Registration Fee | Free |
Lauguage | Japanese or English |
Submission | Email to t-wada/at/ using the form below |
Topic of interest | Recent research results in information and communication technology |
Presentation Style | Oral |
Presentation time | 10 minutes + Q&A 5 minutes |
Proceeding | Abstract only |
Presenter eligibility | Any student in educational institutions in Kansai Area, including non-IEEE (student) member. |
Deadline | |
Award | The winner of IEEE COMSOC Kansai Chapter Best Student Presentation Award will be announced at the end of the workshop. |
[ Submission Form ]
Fill the following form and then email to t-wada/at/
- Title:
- Abstract:
- Keywords:
- Authors:
- Affiliation(s)
- Presenter:
- Grade of presenter: (Undergraduate/Master/Doctor)
- Email:
- IEEE membership number:
3rd Technical Lecture (ComSoc DLT)
(The event ended with 11 attendees including 4 IEEE members.)
- Title: On System-Level Analysis & Design of Cellular Networks: The Magic of Stochastic Geometry
- Lecturer: Dr. Marco Di Renzo, Supelec, France
- Bio and abstract: abstract
- Date: 3 Aug 2017, 10:30 - 12:00
- Place: B4-E417 seminar room, Nakamozu Campus, Osaka Prefecture University
(1-1 Gakuen-cho, Nakaku, Sakai, Osaka ) - Language: English
- Organizer: IEEE ComSoc Kansai Chapter, IEEE Kansai Section
- Co-organizer: Division of Electrical and Information System, Osaka Prefecture University
- Registration: Please email your name, affiliation and IEEE membership number to Secretary
T. Wada (t-wada(at) by 28 July 2017. - Registration fee: Free
2nd Technical Lecture (ComSoc DLT)
(The event ended with 12 attendees including 3 IEEE members.)
- Title: Cooperative Jamming in Wireless Networks with Eavesdroppers at Arbitrary Locations
- Lecturer: Prof. Jiajia Liu, Xidian University, China
- Bio and abstract: abstract
- Date: 28 July 2017, 13:00 - 14:30
- Place: B4-E417 seminar room, Nakamozu Campus, Osaka Prefecture University
(1-1 Gakuen-cho, Nakaku, Sakai, Osaka ) - Language: English
- Organizer: IEEE ComSoc Kansai Chapter, IEEE Kansai Section
- Co-organizer: Division of Electrical and Information System, Osaka Prefecture University
- Registration: Please email your name, affiliation and IEEE membership number to Secretary
T. Wada (t-wada(at) by 21 July 2017. - Registration fee: Free
1st Technical Lecture (ComSoc DLT)
(The event ended with 11 attendees including 6 IEEE members.)
- Title: Pushing the Capacity Envelope of Wireless Networks: Opportunities and Challenges
- Lecturer: Prof. Tom Hou, IEEE Fellow
Bradley Distinguished Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA, USA - Bio and abstract: abstract
- Date: 30 June 2017, 10:30 - 11:30
- Place: Lecture room N1, No 9 Research Bldg, Yoshida Campus, Kyoto University
(Yoshida-honmachi, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto ) - Language: English
- Organizer: IEEE ComSoc Kansai Chapter, IEEE Kansai Section
- Co-organizer: Morikura Lab, Kyoto University
- Registration fee: Free
- Chair: Kazuo Kumamoto (Osaka Institute of Technology)
- Vice Chair: Takeshi Higashino (Nara Institute of Science and Technology)
- Secretary: Tomotaka Wada (Kansai University)
- Treasurer: Hai Lin (Osaka Prefecture University)
- Advisor: Hiroyuki Kumazawa (Osaka Sangyo University)
- Advisor: Minoru Okada (Nara Institute of Science and Technology)
Activities in 2016
2016 Student Workshop
(There are 8 presentations. Mr. Manabu Sakai (Osaka Pref. Univ.) won the Best Student Presentation Award.)
Organizer | IEEE COMSOC Kansai Chapter |
Co-organizer | Division of Electrical and Information Systems, Osaka Prefecture University |
Date | 26 Nov. 14:30 - Reception, 15:00 - Start |
Place | Seminar room S1, I-site Namba, Osaka Prefecture University (Nankai Namba Bldg, 2-1-41 Shikitsuhigashi, Naniwa-ku, Osaka ) |
Registration Fee | Free |
Lauguage | Japanese or English |
Submission | Email to t-wada/at/ using the form below |
Topic of interest | Recent research results in information and communication technology |
Presentation Style | Oral |
Presentation time | 10 minutes + Q&A 5 minutes |
Proceeding | Abstract only |
Presenter eligibility | Any student in educational institutions in Kansai Area, including non-IEEE (student) member. |
Deadline | |
Award | The winner of IEEE COMSOC Kansai Chapter Best Student Presentation Award will be announced at the end of the workshop. |
[ Submission Form ]
Fill the following form and then email to t-wada/at/
- Title:
- Abstract:
- Keywords:
- Authors:
- Affiliation(s)
- Presenter:
- Grade of presenter: (Undergraduate/Master/Doctor)
- Email:
- IEEE membership number:
5th Technical Lecture
(The event ended with 15 attendees including 10 IEEE members.)
- Title: Robust Precoding and Postcoding for Multicell Multiuser Transmission
- Lecturer: Prof. Hung Nguyen-Le, The University of Danang, Vietnam
- Bio and abstract: abstract
- Date: 4 Oct. 2016, 16:30 - 18:00
- Place: Seminar room S1, I-site Namba, Osaka Prefecture University
(Nankai Namba Bldg, 2-1-41 Shikitsuhigashi, Naniwa-ku, Osaka ) - Language: English
- Organizer: IEEE ComSoc Kansai Chapter, IEEE Kansai Section
- Co-organizer: Division of Electrical and Information Systems, Osaka Prefecture University
- Registration fee: Free
4th Technical Lecture (ComSoc DLT)
(The event ended with 12 attendees including 7 IEEE members.)
- Title: Incentive Mechanisms for User-Provided Networks
- Lecturer: Prof. Jianwei Huang, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
- Bio and abstract: abstract
- Date: 27 July 2016, 16:30 - 18:00
- Place: Seminar room 1, Knowledge Capital Tower C, Floor 9, Umekita Knowledge Center, Osaka Institute of Technology
(3-1 Ofukacho, Kita-ku, Osaka) - Language: English
- Organizer: IEEE ComSoc Kansai Chapter, IEEE Kansai Section
- Co-organizer: Osaka Institute of Technology
- Registration fee: Free
3rd Technical Lecture
(The event ended with 20 attendees including 7 IEEE members.)
- Title: Low-Density Parity-Check Codes for Communication Systems: Decoding Algorithms and VLSI Designs
- Lecturer: Prof. Yeong Luh Ueng, National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan
- Date: 30 June 2016, 13:10 - 14:30
- Place: KC308, Kochikan Bldg, Kyotanabe Campus, Doshisha University
(1-3 Tatara, Kyotanabe, Kyoto ) - Language: English
- Organizer: IEEE Kansai Section
- Co-organizer: IEEE ComSoc Kansai Chapter, IEEE Circuits and Systems Society Kansai Chapter, Doshisha University
- Registration fee: Free
2nd Technical Lecture
(The event ended with 14 attendees including 5 IEEE members.)
- Title: ZF Beamforming for MISO Interference Channels without Crosstalk CSI
- Lecturer: Prof. Kai-Kit Wong, University College London, England
- Bio and abstract: abstract
- Date: 1 June 2016, 16:30 - 18:00
- Place: Seminar room 1, Knowledge Capital Tower C, Floor 9, Umekita Knowledge Center, Osaka Institute of Technology
(3-1 Ofukacho, Kita-ku, Osaka) - Language: English
- Organizer: IEEE ComSoc Kansai Chapter, IEEE Kansai Section
- Co-organizer: Osaka Institute of Technology
- Registration fee: Free
1st Technical Lecture
(The event ended with 22 attendees including 8 IEEE members.)
- Title: Hybrid Processing in Massive MIMO for 5G Mobile Networks
- Lecturer: Prof. Xiaodai Dong, Professor, University of Victoria, Canada
- Bio and abstract: abstract
- Date: 13 Apr. 2016, 17:00 - 18:00
- Place: Seminar room 1, Knowledge Capital Tower C, Floor 9, Umekita Knowledge Center, Osaka Institute of Technology
(3-1 Ofukacho, Kita-ku, Osaka) - Language: English
- Organizer: IEEE ComSoc Kansai Chapter, IEEE Kansai Section
- Co-organizer: Osaka Institute of Technology
- Registration fee: Free
- Chair: Kazuo Kumamoto (Osaka Institute of Technology)
- Vice Chair: Takeshi Higashino (Nara Institute of Science and Technology)
- Secretary: Tomotaka Wada (Kansai University)
- Treasurer: Hai Lin (Osaka Prefecture University)