IEEE Tokyo Section
Life Members Affinity Group General Assembly

Last updated: October 28, 2010

I. IEEE Tokyo Section Life Members Affinity Group General Assembly

Date and hour: Friday, October 8, 2010 10:30a.m.〜11:00a.m.

Venue: Room: Asuka on the 4th floor in ARCADIA ICHIGAYA (4-2-25, Kudan-Kita, Chiyoda-Ku, Tokyo)


  • Bill No.1:Officers Election
  • Bill No.2:Activities Plan
Report *Japanese only

Resolution matter above has been approved.

II. The 2010 Fourth Commemorative Lecture of IEEE Tokyo Section

Date and hour: 2010年10月8日(金) 11:00a.m.〜12:00p.m.

Venue: Same as the General Assembly

Title: "IEEE Milestone and Experience of Technical Tour PANAMA"
            ----participate IEEE International Forum and deliver the History of Technology in Japan

Lecturer: Dr. Eiju MATSUMOTO (IEEE Life Member)
              (IEEE Japan Council History Committee, Secretary)

The lecturer Dr. Matsumoto was involved to obtain certification of the Yagi-Uda Antenna (the first award in Japan). He also spoke about the acquisition know-how of the IEEE Milestone based on his experience for 14 domestic certifications. He introduced about the Panama Canal tour of the first time in which self participated and other technical tours planned by IEEE Life Members. Furthermore, there was the future plan to attract this tour to Japan.

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