IEEE Signal Processing Society Japan Chapter 会員各位

                           IEEE Signal Processing Society Japan Chapter
                                    Chair      嵯峨山茂樹(東京大学)
                                    Vice Chair 貴家 仁志 (首都大学東京)

IEEE Signal Processing Society Japan ChapterとNECの共催で、
Karlheinz Brandenburg先生による講演会を開催します。
当日12時までに まで、氏名、所属、電話番号を届け出てください。


        Karlheinz Brandenburg 博士講演会

(1) Speaker (講演者)
Professor Karlheinz Brandenburg
Technische Universitat Ilmenau, Germany

(2) Talk Title (講演題目)
Perfect reproduction of spatial audio: From ideas to applications

(3) Date and Place (日時・場所)
4月2日(月) 16:00-17:30
NEC玉川事業場 9号館7階 703+704号室

(4) Talk Abstract (講演概要)
The talk will focus on the work on Wavefield Synthesis. This
technology does a physical reproduction of a sound field, enabling
spatial audio which gives a more truthful reproduction of sound than
any other multichannel audio technology. Early ideas from Delft
University over 15 years developed into some research tools and
demonstrations. In 2000, more European companies, institutes and
universities started collaborating on the topic. Over the years, work
continued in parallel on basic research (how does the human brain
perceive spatial sound) while at the same time a number of commercial
products based on Wavefield Synthesis have been deployed. Today,
IOSONO (a spinoff company of Fraunhofer IDMT) does development and
worldwide marketing of sound systems based on Wavefield Synthesis.

(5) Speaker Biography (講演者紹介)

Dr. Karlheinz Brandenburg has been a driving force behind some of
today's most profoundly innovative digital audio technology, notably
the MP3 and MPEG audio standards. He is acclaimed for seminal work on
digital audio coding and perceptual measurement techniques, Wave Field
Synthesis (WFS) and psycho-acoustics. The MP3 has fundamentally
changed the way we enjoy and manage music, leading to consumer
electronic devices ranging from digital radio receivers to solid state
players to MP3-enabled cell phones and beyond.

It was Dr. Brandenburg's doctoral thesis on digital audio coding and
perceptual measurement techniques that formed the basis of the MPEG-1
Layer 3 codec (the MP3) and most other modern audio compression
schemes. As head of the audio/multimedia department at the Fraunhofer
Institute for Integrated Circuits IIS in Erlangen, Germany, from 1993
to 2000, Dr. Brandenburg also guided the development of MPEG-2
Advanced Audio Coding (AAC), the codec of choice for modern devices
including iPod, iPhone and audio streaming services.

Dr. Brandenburg is currently serving as professor at the Institute for
Media Technology at Ilmenau University of Technology, Germany, and
director of the Fraunhofer Institute for Digital Media Technology
IDMT, also in Ilmenau.

Born on 20 June 1954 in Erlangen, Germany, Karlheinz Brandenburg
attended Germany's University of Erlangen, earning degrees in
electrical engineering and mathematics, and completing a doctorate in
electrical engineering in 1989. He subsequently held research
positions at AT&T Bell Laboratories in Murray Hill, New Jersey, and
the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg.

An IEEE Fellow, Dr. Brandenburg has long been active in the IEEE
Signal Processing Society's technical committee on Audio and
Electroacoustics and served as general chair of the 2002 IEEE
International Symposium on Consumer Electronics (ISCE'02) in
Ilmenau. In 2004 he was honored with the "IEEE Masaru Ibuka Consumer
Electronic Award" for major contributions to digital audio source
coding. A Fellow of the Audio Engineering Society (AES), his awards
include the IEEE Region 10 Engineering Excellence Award, the AES
Silver Medal and Fellowship Award, the German Internet Special Award
NEO and the German Future Award, which he shared with
colleagues. Furthermore Brandenburg is member in the "Hall of Fame" of
the Consumer Electronics Association and of the International
Electrotechnical Commission. In 2009 he was appointed as Ambassador of
the European Year of Creativity and Innovation. Brandenburg holds a
doctorate in electrical engineering from Friedrich-Alexander
University Erlangen-Nuremberg and received honorary doctorate degrees
from the universities of Koblenz-Landau and Luneburg for his
outstanding research work in the field of audio coding. The author of
numerous articles and co-editor of "Applications of Digital Signal
Processing to Audio and Acoustics" holds about 100 patents.