IEEE Signal Processing Society Japan Chapter Distinguished Lecturer 講演会
2006 年 IEEE Signal Processing Society Distinguished Lecturer の C.-C. Jay Kuo 教授をお迎えし「Ubiquitous Multimedia Computing and Communication: Challenges and Future Trend」に関する公開講演会を, 東大本郷キャンパスにて開催いたします.
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- 講演者
Prof. C.-C. Jay Kuo
University of Southern California
Department of Electrical Engineering-Systems
- 講演情報
講演題目: "Ubiquitous Multimedia Computing and Communication: Challenges and Future Trend" 日時 : 2006 年 5 月 8 日(月)16:30 - 18:00
May 8, 2006, 16:30 - 18:00
場所: 東京大学 本郷キャンパス 工学部2号館4階 242講義室
Room 242, Fac. of Eng. Building #2 4F ,
Hongo Campus , The University of Tokyo
- 聴講申し込みなど
- 世話人
東京大学 相澤清晴 教授
- 問い合せ先
首都大学東京 西川清史 0426-77-2759
- 講演概要(原文および和訳)
Ubiquitous Multimedia Computing and Communication: Challenges and Future Trend
Prof. C.-C. Jay Kuo
University of Southern California
With recent flourishing of embedded media applications such as MPEG-2, H.264 and VC-1 encoders/decoders and wireless broadband communication infrastructures such as 3G, WiMax and Wi-Fi, real-time multimedia computing and communications on embedded systems becomes a major focus for both software and hardware designers. In the first part of the talk, the tradeoff between several design choices is analyzed, including the RISC processor, the SIMD processor and the dedicated ASIC. Then, in the second half of the talk, three emerging R&D efforts will be highlighted. First, the design of a multi-format video codec to strike a balance between flexibility and performance is addressed. This is motivated by the observation that there are multiple audio/video compression formats to be adopted currently. The trend of embedded processors is to support a wide range of audio/video formats such as MPEG-2, H.264 and VC-1. The design of multi-format codec demands a careful architecture consideration. Second, we consider the design of low-complexity integrated encryption and compression speech/video coding algorithms, which can significantly lower the power consumption of mobile terminals for the digital rights management (DRM). This gives an example of lower power design from an algorithmic level. Third, the rate-distortion-complexity (RDC) optimized video coding techniques are discussed. We emphasize a concept called "decoding-friendly encoder design", where many computational heavy operations can be saved at the decoder end while high visual quality can still be preserved.
MPEG-2 や H.264, VC-1 の符号化器/復号器などの組込みメディアアプリケーション や,3G, WiMax, Wi-Fi などの無線ブロードバンド通信基盤の発展とともに,組み込み システム上でのリアルタイムマルチメディア処理や通信は,ソフトウェア設計者および ハードウェア設計者の両者にとって重要な焦点となってきている.本講演の前半では,複数 のデザイン選択の候補間のトレードオフについての解析を行う.候補としては,RISC プロ セッサ,SIMD プロセッサ,および特定用途向け ASIC を取り上げる. 講演の後半では,最新の三つの R&D の成果を取り上げる.まず,マルチフォーマット対応の ビデオコーデックの設計を,自由度と性能のバランスを実現するという観点から説明する. 現在,対応すべきオーディオおよびビデオ圧縮の方式は,複数存在している.組み込み機器に おけるトレンドは,MPEG-2, H.264, VC-1 など多くのオーディオ/ビデオ符号化アルゴリ ズムに対応することである.マルチフォーマット符号化器の設計においては,アーキテクチャ に対する検討を慎重に行う必要がある.二番目として,暗号化および圧縮を統合した,低演算 量な音声/ビデオ符号化アルゴリズムを紹介する.この方式を使用することで,移動端末での ディジタル著作権管理 (DRM) に必要となる消費電力を大幅に減少させることが可能となる. この例は,アルゴリズムレベルでの低消費電力設計の一例である.三番目として,RDC (rate-distortion-complexity)最適化を行ったビデオ符号化手法に関して述べる.ここ では,高い画質を維持しながら,多くの重い処理を復号器側で行う事を可能とする "decoding-friendly encoder design" と呼ばれる概念を強調する.
- Kuo 教授の履歴
C.-C. Jay Kuo (F) received the B.S. degree from the National Taiwan University, Taipei, in 1980 and the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, in 1985 and 1987, respectively, all in electrical engineering. He is a Professor of Electrical Engineering and Mathematics, Department of Electrical Engineering, Signal and Image Processing Institute (SIPI) and Integrated Media Systems Center (IMSC) at the University of Southern California (USC). His research interests are in the areas of digital media processing, multimedia compression, communication and networking technologies, and embedded multimedia system design. Dr. Kuo has guided 62 students to their Ph.D. degrees and supervised 15 postdoctoral research fellows. Currently, his research group at USC consists around 40 Ph.D. students and 5 postdoctors, which is one of the largest academic research groups in multimedia technologies. He is a co-author of more than 700 technical publications in international conferences and journals as well as the following seven books: "Content-Based Audio Classification and Retrieval for Audiovisual Data Parsing" with Tong Zhang, (Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2001); "Semantic Video Object Segmentation for Content-Based Multimedia Applications" with Ju Guo, (Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2001); "Intelligent Systems for Video Analysis and Access Over the Internet" with Wensheng Zhou, (Prentice Hall, 2002); "Video Content Analysis Using Multimodal Information" with Ying Li, (Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2003); "Quality of Service for Internet Multimedia" with Jitae Shin and Daniel Lee, (Prentice Hall, 2003); "Radio Resource Management for Multimedia QoS Support in Wireless Cellular Networks" with Huan Chen, Lei Huang and Sunil Kumar, (Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2003); and "High Fidelity Multichannel Audio Coding" with Dai Tracy Yang and Chris Kyriakakis, (Hindawi Publishing Corporation, 2004). Dr. Kuo is Editor-in-Chief, Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation and Editor, Journal of Information Science and Engineering and EURASIP Journal of Applied Signal Processing. He was on the Editorial Board of the IEEE Signal Processing Magazine (2003-2004). He served as Associate Editor, IEEE Transactions on Image Processing (1995-98); IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology (1995-1997); and IEEE Transactions on Speech and Audio Processing (2001-2003). Dr. Kuo has given more than 200 lectures/seminars to universities and industrial companies all over the world for technology education and promotion. Dr. Kuo is a Fellow of IEEE and SPIE. He received the National Science Foundation Young Investigator Award (NYI) and Presidential Faculty Fellow (PFF) Award in 1992 and 1993, respectively.
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