この度、孙凯先生(清華大学)によります、「IEEE Distinguished Lecturer講演会」 を下記の要領で開催いたします。振るってご参加いただきますよう、よろしくお願いいたします。
Advanced Bi-directional DC-DC Converters in Battery Energy
Storage Systems
孙凯 (Sun Kai) 先生 (清華大学)
【日時】2021年7月19日(月)14:00-15:00 、
【参加方法】 下記Google Formからお申し込みください。講演会前にZoom接続情報をお送りします。
参加申し込みは7/12(月) までとさせていただきます。
【問合先】関屋大雄(IEEE PELS JJC Secretary),
hiroo.sekiya@ieee.org (@マークを小文字にしてください)
主催:IEEE PELS Japan Joint Chapter
IEEE PELS Fukuoka Chapter
共催:電気学会 半導体電力変換技術委員会
電子情報通信学会 電子通信エネルギー技術研究専門委員会
Kai Sun received the B.E., M.E., and Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineering from Tsinghua University, in 2000, 2002, and 2006, respectively. He joined the faculty of Electrical Engineering, Tsinghua University, in 2006, where he is currently a Tenured Associate Professor (Research Professor). From Sep 2009 to Aug 2010, he was a Visiting Scholar at Department of Energy Technology, Aalborg University, Aalborg, Denmark. From Jan to Aug 2017, he was a Visiting Professor at Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada. His research interests include power electronics for renewable generation systems, microgrids, and energy internet.
Dr. Sun serves as an Associate Editor for IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics, and Journal of Power Electronics. Dr. Sun served as the TPC Vice Chair of IEEE ECCE2017 and IEEE ECCE-Asia2017, the Organization Committee Chair of IEEE eGrid2019, and the Publicity Chair of IEEE ECCE2020. He also served as the General Co-Chair of 2018 International Future Energy Challenge (IFEC2018). Dr. Sun serves as PELS Asia Pacific Regional Vice Chair, PELS Beijing Chapter Chair and PELS Electronic Power Grid Systems Technical Committee (TC8) Secretary. He was a recipient of Delta Young Scholar Award in 2013, and Youth Award of China Power Supply Society (CPSS) in 2017, and IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics' Outstanding Reviewers Award in 2019. Dr. Sun is selected as IEEE PELS Distinguished Lecturer in 2021-2022.
Lecture - "Advanced Bi-directional DC-DC Converters in Battery Energy Storage Systems"
Battery energy storage systems (BESS) are the main infrastructures in the microgrids to ensure power balance and stable operation, as well as in the utility grid to enhance flexibility and stability. Bi-directional DC-DC converters are the key elements in BESS, which interface batteries and DC bus for power transfer. In this lecture, a comprehensive review for isolated bi-directional DC-DC converters is presented. The requirements of BESS on isolated bidirectional DC-DC converters with high efficiency and high power density are introduced. Two major solutions of isolated bidirectional DC-DC converters, CLLC resonance converter and dual-active-bridge (DAB) converter, are investigated and compared, including modeling methods, control strategies and design considerations with the use of SiC and GaN devices. This lecture points out that both CLLC and DAB converters have their own advantages and good application prospects in future large-scale energy storage systems. Moreover, a modular multi-port CLLC converter based on high frequency AC bus sharing is proposed to integrate multiple battery stacks, which features high efficiency, high reliability and good scalability.