2019年:Yukiyasu Noguchi
For outstanding work in the paper: "Path Planning Method based on Artificial Potential Field and Reinforcement Learning for Intervention AUVs," IEEE OES Underwater Technology 2019, Kaohsiung, 20192018年:Yusuke Yokota
For outstanding work in the paper: "Analytical approach for the precise GNSS-A seafloor geodetic observation: Extraction of ocean disturbance effect," OCEANS’18 MTS/IEEE Kobe / Techno-Ocean 2018, Kobe, 20182017年:Tadashi Ebihara
For outstanding work in the paper: Underwater Acoustic Communication Using Doppler-Resilient Orthogonal Signal Division Multiplexing with Time Diversity, OCEANS17 MTS/IEEE, Aberdeen, 20172015年:Kohei Hanatani
For outstanding work in the paper: Development of in situ Microbial ATP Analyzer and Internal Standard Calibration Method, Underwater Technology, India, February 20152014年:Takumi Matsuda
For outstanding work in the paper: Cooperative Navigation Method of Multiple Autonomous Underwater Vehicles for Wide Seafloor Survey –Sea Experiment with Two AUVs–, OCEANS’14 MTS/IEEE TAIPEI, April 20142013年:Tzu-Hao Lin
For outstanding work in the paper: Automatic Detection and Classification of Cetacean Tonal Sounds from a Long-term Marine Observatory, UT13, Tokyo, March 20132012年:Takero Yoshida
For outstanding work in the paper: Time domain simulation of ocean SAR image with wave and wind, OCEANS '12 MTS/IEEE Yeosu, May, 20122011年:Akiteru Takamori
For outstanding work in the paper: Compact tiltmeter for ocean bottom and other frontier observations, Proceedings of The UT’11&SSC’11 (OCEANS’11 MTS/ IEEE), Kona, September, 20112010年:Tomoya Inoue
For outstanding work in the paper: Flipper Type Crawler System for Running on the Irregular Seafloor, Proceedings of The OCEANS'10 IEEE Sydney, May 20102009年:Thornton Blair
For outstanding work in the paper: HAL-urabo: A kit AUV for competition and outreach Proceedings of The Sixth International Symposium on Underwater Technology UT2009, Wuxi, China, April 2009