
                      IEEE MTT-S Japan Chapter
                      Chair 本城 和彦

Distinguished Microwave Lecturer 講演会のご案内

IEEE MTT-S Distinguished Microwave Lecturer 講演会をご案内いたします。
今回の講演者はロンドン大学インペリアルカレッジのProf. Stepan Lucyszynです。
"Commercial Applications for RF MEMS"についてご講演を戴きます。
日時:2011年8月30日(火) 15:00-17:00
   ナノ・スピン総合研究棟4階 カンファレンスルーム
講演者:Prof. Stepan Lucyszyn (Imperial College London)
題目:"Commercial Applications for RF MEMS"
 檜枝 護重(三菱電機)IEEE MTT-S Japan Chapter Secretary

Radio frequency micro-electro-mechanical systems (RF MEMS)
have been heralded as a technology fit for the 21st century,
offering unsurpassed RF performance over more conventional
solid-state electronic devices. In recent years, this technology
has seen a rapid rate of expansion because of its potential for
advancing new products within a broad range of applications;
from ubiquitous smart sensor networks to mobile handsets. Indeed,
within the US, Asia and Europe, R&D is almost at fever pitch.
The high levels of investment come second only to the expectations
for commercial exploitation. The first RF MEMS device was reported
30 years ago by IBM. After experiencing the peak of inflated
expectation in 2003 and subsequent trough of disillusionment in 2005,
RF MEMS switches have emerged into the slope of enlightenment.
They are now commercially available on the open market, offering
new solutions for realizing high performance reconfigurable microwave
circuits and systems. A major new book, entitled Advanced RF MEMS
(edited by the speaker), is scheduled for publication at the beginning
of 2010. This lecture will explain the many facets of this technology
and demonstrate how RF MEMS can move itself out of the laboratory and
into real commercial applications.
