MTT-S Distinguished Microwave Lecturer 講演会のご案内
IEEE MTT-S Japan Chapter Chair
高山 洋一郎
下記によりIEEE MTT-S Distinguished Microwave Lecturer 講演会を開催いたします。今回の
DML講演者はトランジスタのRootモデルで有名なAgilent Technologies社のDavid Root氏です。
"Nonlinear Analog Behavioral Modeling of Microwave Devices and Circuits"に
会場:アジレント・テクノロジー株式会社 A102会議室
講演者:Dr. David Root
講演題目:Nonlinear Analog Behavioral Modeling of Microwave Devices and Circuits
9月26日までに、幹事 常信 宛にメール送信願います。
八高線でご来場の場合、八王子 12:00発と12:38発の電車が好都合です。
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IEEE会員 : はい いいえ
社員食堂の利用: はい いいえ(どちらか削除をお願いします。)
当日、「IEEE MTT Society DMレクチャーに参加する」と
Dr. David Root
Principle Research Scientist
Worldwide Process and Technology Centers
Agilent Technologies
1400 Fountaingrove Parkway
Santa Rosa, CA 95403
Modern microwave systems are designed in a top-down hierarchical process,
with specifications starting at the system level, propagating down towards
the subsystem, module, integrated circuit, and finally to the level of the
transistor, resistor, and other fundamental electronic building blocks.
A complimentary bottom-up process combines accurate representations of the
building blocks at one level of abstraction to create or verify a functional
block at the next higher level of design complexity. At a low level in the
design hierarchy is the nonlinear device, or transistor. A detailed model,
involving the simulation of the many coupled partial differential equations
of physics is often needed to design such a device. However, one cannot
simulate an entire IC at this physically detailed level. The complexity of
the problem is overwhelming in terms of computer resources and time. Instead,
for the purpose of integrated circuit design, transistor terminal (behavioral)
characteristics can be abstracted into 'compact' nonlinear models (SPICE models)
and their interaction simulated at the circuit level. Analogously,
modern communication systems are sufficiently complex to preclude their
complete simulation at the compact transistor model level of description.
There are simply too many nonlinear equations to solve to make this practical.
Instead, the input-output behavior of the ICs can be abstracted into
functional block behavioral models, and the simulations done at the next
higher abstraction level.
This lecture introduces general concepts and specific techniques for effective
(efficient, general, and accurate) nonlinear behavioral modeling of microwave
semiconductor devices and functional circuit blocks. A behavioral model is a
simplified but accurate model of a lower-level component in the design hierarchy
that simulates efficiently at the next higher level of abstraction. A unified
treatment at both the device and functional block level is a distinguishing
feature of this presentation. So too is the application to behavioral models
constructed from real measurements and also from simulations starting from a
detailed (complex) model. The emphasis is placed on the combination of
nonlinearity and dynamics. Nonlinearity includes harmonic and inter-modulation
distortion, clipping, etc. Dynamics includes frequency-dependence and long-term
memory effects from a variety of physical origins. In the realm of dynamic
nonlinearities, insight from linear analysis cannot always be applied.
Superposition is not generally valid, the Fourier domain is less useful, and
Green functions don't exist. No fully general or overarching theories of
nonlinear dynamical systems exist that are comparable to what exists for
linear systems. Nevertheless, great progress has been made recently in
nonlinear behavioral modeling. In fact, this lecture suggests we are at the
threshold for full interoperability of large-signal measurement systems,
modeling approaches, and simulation algorithms for nonlinear hierarchical
behavioral modeling. This means we can begin to do for driven nonlinear
microwave systems what small-signal S-parameters enable for linear systems.