2005年Women in Engineering講演会 IEEE MTT-S Japan Chapter Chair 高山 洋一郎 IEEE Japan Council Women in Engineering Chair IEEE MTT-S JC Women in Engineering Committee Chair 黒田 道子 IEEE MTT-S Japan ChapterにWomen in Engineering委員会が創設されました。 この委員会の主旨は、国内で活躍する女性技術者・研究者向けに,海外の女性 技術者・研究者との交流や情報交換,国際会議での発表の他,今後,電子情報 通信分野へ進出してくる若者への教育・広報活動などを主要な任務と位置づけ, 講演会,交流会,広報活動を行うことであり、その創設記念講演に海外の著名 な女性研究者を招き、講演をお願いすることにいたしました。 Prof. Janina Mazierskaが電子工学を学び始めてから現在に至るまでの女性研究者 としての歩みについて、後に続く若い女性研究者の参考になるような講演内容と なっています。 皆様奮ってご参加下さいますようご案内申し上げます。 講演タイトル: Why I have chosen to study Electronic Engineering - a story of a woman Engineer from Warsaw 講演者: Prof. Janina Mazierska (Massey University) 日時: 2005年11月10日(木)17:00-18:00 会場: パシフィコ横浜 アネックスホール F203号室 パシフィコ横浜では11/9~11/11の間、MWE2005が開催されています 受講料: 無料 協賛: 電子情報通信学会男女共同参画委員会 講演会の参加希望者は直接会場へご来場ください 講演内容 How did all these happen? How a tall slim girl with red hair has become a University Professor in a male dominated area, one of twelve female IEEE Fellows and the world her oyster? It was all due to one decision, taken in fact by chance, to choose Electronic Engineering as a subject of study after an incidental visit to a Faculty of Electronic Engineering at Warsaw University of Technology. This visit made her to realise she could realise her dreams of having a family and working in a stimulating environment, do novel things, travel the world and earn high salary………. Janina's life and career can be an example for other young women to follow. She would like to extend the WIE friendship with Japan and share her experiences. 講演者紹介
Janina Mazierska is currently a Head of the Institute of Information Sciences and Technology at Massey University in New Zealand. Her research interests include Precise Microwave Characterisation of Low Loss Materials for Emerging Technologies and Novel Microwave Technologies and Design Techniques for Multilayer Circuits for Wireless Communications. She has co-authored over one hundred refereed publications. Janina was elected a Fellow of IEEE for contributions to precise measurements of microwave properties of High Temperature Superconducting and dielectric materials. " She has been serving as an Editor for Microwave Applications for IEEE Transactions on Applied Super- conductivity since 2001. She has been active in the IEEE since 1987 and recently was elected an IEEE Region 10 Director for the Asia Pacific Region for 2007-2008. 問い合わせ先: 小野文枝(東京理科大学) e-mail: fumie**ieee.org (**を@に修正してください)