Distinguished Microwave Lecturer 講演会

                        IEEE MTT-S Japan Chapter Chair                                  高山 洋一郎                     Distinguished Lecture Committee Chair                                  山下 榮吉  下記により表記講演会を開催いたしますので,多数の方のご聴講をお願いいたします。 本年の講演者は ノースカロライナ州立大学 ECE学科長であり,2004年のIEEE MTT-S の プレジデントを勤め,また永年にわたりIEEE MTT-S Trans. や Microwave Magazine の 編集長として私たちにも身近に感じるTrew先生をお迎えし,高周波大電力増幅用に研究 開発が盛んになっている AlGaN/GaN HFET's についてご講演を戴きます。  本講演会は日時と場所を変えて 計3回 開催しますので,是非 ご都合をつけ 大勢の ご参加戴きたくお願い申し上げます。IEEE会員でない方の聴講も歓迎致します。   受講料:無料   第1回,第2回講演会 に参加希望をされる方は,後述のフォーマットにしたがって,     10月27日までに,講演会担当にe-mailにて事前申し込みをお願いいたします。   第3回のDML講演会参加者は事前登録不要,直接ご来場ください。
Robert J. Trew

Robert J. Trew received the Ph.D. degree from the University of Michigan in 1975. He is currently the
Alton and Mildred Lancaster Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering and Head of the ECE
Department at North Carolina State University, Raleigh. From 1997-2001 he was Director of Research
for the U.S. Department of Defense, with management oversight responsibility for the $1.3 billion yearly
basic research programs of DoD. Dr. Trew served as Vice-Chair of the U.S. Government interagency
committee that planned the U.S. National Nanotechnology Initiative (NNI). Dr. Trew is a Fellow of
the IEEE, and was the 2004 President of the Microwave Theory and Techniques Society.
He was Editor-in-Chief of the IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques from 1995 to 1997,
and from 1999-2002 was founding Co-Editor-in-Chief of the award winning IEEE Microwave Magazine.
Dr. Trew has twice been named an IEEE MTT Society Distinguished Microwave Lecturer, and is currently
serving his second term in this capacity. Dr. Trew has received numerous awards, including the 1998 IEEE
MTT Society Distinguished Educator Award, the 2001 IEEE USA Harry Diamond Memorial Award, and
an IEEE Third Millennium Medal. He has over 140 publications, 15 book chapters, and has given over 340
technical presentations. Dr. Trew has seven patents.

Large-Signal Operation of Microwave AlGaN/GaN
Field-Effect Transistors (HFET's)

R.J. Trew, ECE Department, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC 27695-7911

Recent developments in wide bandgap semiconductor devices provide the opportunity to design and
fabricate microwave transistors that demonstrate performance previously available only from microwave
tubes. The most promising electronic device for RF power applications is an HFET fabricated using the
AlGaN/GaN heterojunction. These devices can sustain bias voltages significantly in excess of what can
be applied to standard semiconductor devices, and AlGaN/GaN HFET's have demonstrated RF output
power density on the order of 10-12 W/mm of gate periphery when biased at Vds=40 V, and over 30 W/mm
when biased at Vds=120 V. The AlGaN/GaN HFET's should produce useful performance well into
the mm-wave region, and potentially as high as 100 GHz. However, the high voltage operation of these
devices introduces a variety of physical effects that currently limit RF performance, linearity, and device
reliability. Also, an IMPATT-mode operation of these devices has been discovered under high voltage
operation, and this mode has implications for practical utilization of these devices. This presentation will
focus upon the RF large-signal operation of these devices, with an emphasis upon the physical effects
associated with various charge trapping, surface, and space-charge phenomena that affect the RF
performance of these devices. Engineering approaches to controlling these performance limiting effects
will be discussed.

* 田中慎一氏(NECシステムデバイス研究所部長、電気通信大学客員教授)の講演タイトルは 

"Device and Circuit Technologies for III-V Heterojunction Devices" です。


  瀧本幸男(Distinguished Lecture Committee Vice-Chair)takimoto**ieee.org (**を@に変更)


第1回,第2回DML講演会 参加申し込み

  講演日時:[  ]第1回  11月7日 13:00-14:00

       [  ]第2回  11月8日 13:30-15:30


  所  属:



(10月27日までに,Eメールでtakimoto**ieee.org 宛(**を@に変更) 送信願います)
