IEEE EDS Japan Chapter 会員各位
IEEE EDS Kansai Chapter 会員各位
IEEE Electron Devices Society Japan Chapter
Chair 木村 紳一郎
Vice Chair 鳥海 明
DL(Distinguished Lecturer)講演会のお知らせ
IEEE EDS Distinguished LecturerのProf. Enrique Miranda (Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona)による下記のDL講演会を開催致します。
【日 時】平成23年9月21日(水)午後1時〜2時
【会 場】東京工業大学すずかけ台キャンパス
S2棟7階 会議室
【講演者】Prof. Enrique Miranda
(Escola d’Enginyeria, Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain)
" Failure analysis of MOS devices using spatial statistics "
When a MOS device is subjected to electrical stress traps or defects
are generated within the insulator layer, a process that ultimately
leads to the appearance of single or multiple breakdown spots
distributed over the device area. These events can be recognized
by their effects on the device conduction characteristics,
mainly in the I-t and I-V curves, and are sometimes visible
in the gate electrode as a 2D point pattern.
In this presentation, a number of methods currently used to
assess the breakdown spots location and their spatial distribution
in MOS transistors and capacitors are discussed.
Special emphasis is put on recently developed statistical tools for
point pattern analysis
because the same techniques can be used for failure analysis or defect
metrology in a wide variety of systems.
E.M. has received PhD degrees in Electronics Engineering and Physics
from Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona (UAB), Spain and Universidad de
Buenos Aires,
Argentina in 1999 and 2002, respectively. Since 2004,
he is Professor at the Escola d’Enginyeria-UAB.
Dr. Miranda has received research fellowships from: Spanish
International Cooperation Agency-AECI:
INTERCAMPUS (Universidad de Zaragoza) and MUTIS (UAB),
German Exchange Academic Agency-DAAD (Technical University
Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnologia, Spain: RAMON y CAJAL (UAB),
Italian government (Universita degli Studi di Padova),
MATSUMAE Foundation (Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan),
TAN CHIN TUAN (Nanyang Technological University, Singapore) and Science
Foundation Ireland:
WALTON Awards (Tyndall National Institute, Ireland).
He has authored and co-authored more than 90 papers in international
Dr. Miranda serves as Editorial Advisor of Microelectronics
and is member of the Distinguished Lecturer program of the IEEE-Electron
Devices Society.
He has served on the technical committees of INFOS’07-’11, IRPS’08-’11
and ESREF’11.
He is also Visiting Scientist (09-11) at the National Comission of
Atomic Energy
(CNEA)-Argentina financially supported by the Abdus Salam International
Centre for Theoretical Physics,
Italy and Visiting Scientist (10-12) at the Indian Institute of
Technology (IIT)-Kharagpur, India.
東京工業大学 フロンティア研究機構
岩 井 洋
〒226-8502 横浜市緑区長津田町4259
IEEE EDS Japan Chapter連絡先:Secretary 鳥居 和功
Home page:http://www.ieee-jp.org/section/tokyo/chapter/ED-15/