
IEEE EDS Japan Chapter 会員各位

IEEE EDS Kansai Chapter 会員各位



                        IEEE Electron Devices Society Japan Chapter


                                                  Chair 木村 紳一郎

                                                Vice Chair 鳥海 明


DL(Distinguished Lecturer)講演会のお知らせ


IEEE EDS Distinguished LecturerDr. Fernando Guarin

(Semiconductor Research and development Center IBM Microelectronics)




【日 時】平成221115日(月)午後4時〜5

【会 場】東京工業大学すずかけ台キャンパス

     J2棟20階 中会議室


【講演者】Dr. Fernando Guarin, Semiconductor Research and development Center IBM Microelectronics



Reliability Challenges for Leading Edge CMOS Technologies



As we continue the relentless drive towards smaller semiconductor device feature sizes and higher levels of integration at the chip level, it has become increasingly evident that a judicious review and a very complete understanding of the reliability mechanisms that contribute to the degradation of each of the technology elements will be crucial for the successful development of the most advanced CMOS technologies.The increased device count and process complexity, coupled with ever decreasing margins in voltage, geometry and the incorporation of new material systems like high and low k dielectrics, stress/strain layers, and other limiting factors for leading edge technologies will be discussed from the reliability perspective. A closer look will be given to Hot Carriers, Bias Temperature Instabilities and the implications of statistical variations (process and geometric). We will also provide an overview of a typical SRAM cell design and will review the challenges posed by the above mentioned reliability mechanisms. The practical impact of reliability induced parameter degradation and the mitigation of these effects will be analyzed for switching circuits and put in the required perspective for reliable circuit designs in state of the art technologies and their transfer to a manufacturing environment.



Dr. Guarin is a Senior Engineer/Scientist at the IBM Microelectronics Semiconductor Research Development Center SRDC in East Fishkill N.Y. He received his BSEE from the “Pontificia Universidad Javeriana”, in Bogota, Colombia, the M.S.E.E. degree from the University of Arizona, and the Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering form Columbia University.

His doctoral research studied the Molecular Beam Epitaxial growth of Silicon based alloys for device applications. He has been actively working in microelectronic reliability for 30 years. From 1980 until 1988 he was a member of the Military and Aerospace Operations division of National Semiconductor Corporation where he held positions both in engineering and management. In 1988 he joined the IBM microelectronics division where he has worked in the reliability physics and modeling of Advanced Bipolar, CMOS and Silicon Germanium BiCMOS technologies. He has been the team leader for the qualification of several of IBM’s leading edge CMOS and SiGe technologies. He holds 8 patents, one trade secret, has published more than 65 papers and given 4 tutorials at the IEEE’s International Reliability Physics Symposium. Dr. Guarin is an IEEE Fellow, Distinguished Lecturer for the IEEE Electron Device Society a member of the IEEE EDS Ad.Com and Education Committees. He is the past Chair for the Electron Devices Society in the IEEE’s MHV Chapter, and past president of the Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers SHPE for the Mid Hudson valley Region.







 岩 井   洋










IEEE EDS Japan Chapter連絡先:Secretary 鳥居 和功


Home page:http://www.ieee-jp.org/section/tokyo/chapter/ED-15/
