EDS Newsletter: July 2007
On January 23rd, the annual meeting of the EDS Japan Chapter was held in Tokyo. Dr. Atsushi Kurobe, Japan Chapter Chair reported the 2005 activities and the 2006 plan of the Chapter. At the meeting, the 2005 EDS Japan Chapter Student Award was presented to two students for their outstanding activities in the research of electron devices last year. Tetsu Ohtou (Univ. of Tokyo) and Masaharu Kobayashi (Univ. of Tokyo) received the awards for their excellent IEDM papers, "Experimental demonstrations of superior characteristics of variable body-factor (g) fully-depleted SOI MOSFETs with extremely thin BOX of 10 nm" and "Experimental study on quantum structure of silicon nanowire and its impact on nanowire MOSFET and single-electron transistor, " respectively.
Following the annual meeting on the same day, the Briefing Session on the 2006 IEDM was held. Six speakers gave summary talks on the highlights of the IEDM. They were "Modeling and simulation" by Dr. M. Hane (NEC Corp.), "Nanodevices" by Dr. K. Uchida (Toshiba Corp.), "III-V and quantum devices" by Prof. K. Yo (Hokkaido Univ.), "CMOS process" by Dr. M. Kase (Fujitsu Ltd.), "CMOS device" by Dr. H. Wakabayashi (Sony Corp.) and "Integrated Circuits" by Dr. Y. Matsui (Hitachi Ltd.). This session has gained widespread popularity among engineers in Japan who are unable to attend the IEDM, since it is an opportunity for them to familiarize themselves with the latest information on electron device technology. This year’s Briefing Session was very successful with more than 70 participants.
The committee meeting of the EDS Japan chapter was also held this January. The guests, namely, Dr. Tetsuhiko Ikegami, Vice Chair of Japan Council; Prof. Kunihiro Asada, Chapter Operations Committee Chair; Dr. Tsutomu Sugawara, Secretary of Tokyo Chapter; Prof. Hiroshi Iwai, EDS Jr. Past President; Prof. Kenji Taniguchi, EDS Kansai Chapter ex-Chair; and Prof. Kazuo Tsutsui, EDS Newsletter Regional Editor, were a source of much valuable advice for the Chapter. The 2005 activities and the 2006 plan of the Chapter were approved at the meeting.
The 2005 EDS Japan Chapter Student Award winner, Tetsu Ohtou receives a metallic certificate plaque and a premium from Dr. Atsushi Kurobe, Chair.
The committee meeting of the EDS Japan chapter this January. From right to left at the front: Prof. H. Iwai, Partner and EDS Jr. Past President; Dr. T. Ikegami, Vice Chair of Japan Council; Dr. A. Kurobe, EDS Japan Chapter Chair; Dr. T. Sugawara, Secretary of Tokyo Chapter. At the back: Prof. K. Asada, Chapter Operations Committee Chair; Prof. K. Tsutsui, EDS Newsletter Regional Editor; Dr. H. S. Momose, Secretary of EDS Japan Chapter.