IEEE CASS Kansai Chapter Seminar Date: January 17, 2024 Time: 14:00-15:00 Place: 京都大学 総合研究9号館 N2講義室 (北館 2F) (以下の地図の#63の建物) - 講演タイトル Introduction to Analysis and Debugging of Transient Faults - 講演者 Prof. Jing-Jia Liou Dept. Electrical Engr., National Tsing Hua Univ, Taiwan - 概要 Transient fault is an error model that flips a register or memory bit at certain cycles of a digital circuit, e.g, a processor core. The model is commonly applied in evaluating the reliability of a digital system including both software and hardware. For example, we may inject sampled transient faults and run a software to observe the hardware faulty behavior, so error outputs can be analyzed and mitigated. On the other hand, when a system captures and shows error symptom during validation, a debugging process will often start with tracing the root cause to a certain transient fault and then follow up with failure analysis. For both above applications, we face the issue that the number of transient faults is simply too large for a full comprehensive analysis. In this talk, we will introduce and discuss methods on how to analyze and reduce the number of transient faults. In our experiments with two RISC-V cores, only under 1-3% of faults remains necessary for processing, which can drastically improve our reliability analysis for a digital system. - 講演者略歴 Jing-Jia Liou graduated from UC Santa Barbara. He is currently the Chairman and Professor with the National Tsing Hua University, Hsinchu, Taiwan. He is also the director of NTHU-MediaTek research center, and director of Design department of NTHU Collage of Semiconductor Research. He also serves as a research consultant at Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI). His research interests include electronic system level modeling, design and test, design for reliability and safety, and machine-learning techniques for test data analysis. Prof. Liou was a recipient of best paper awards from the IEEE Conference of Design, Automation, and Test in Europe (DATE 2004) and the Asian Test Symposium (ATS 2009). He also received MXIC Golden Silicon advisor award at 2010, and National Invention and Creation Award in 2019. He served on several technical committees, including DAC, HPCA, ASPDAC, ATS, ICCD, VLSI-SOC and ITC-Asia. 事前参加申し込み: 不要 参加費: 無料 主催 IEEE CAS 関西チャプター 問い合わせ先 橋本昌宜 (京都大学)