The IEEE is the world's largest professional technical organization with over 375,000
members and over 80,000 student members. The majority of these students are members of
Student Branches established at over 1,600 universities throughout the world.
When you join IEEE as a Student member, you automatically become a member of the Student
Branch at the school you attend.
Student Concourse, Student Branches by Region and Institution
IEEE Student Branch
A Student Branch gives students the opportunity to meet and learn from fellow students, as well as faculty members and
professionals in the field. A good IEEE Student Branch can be one of the most positive elements in an Electrical
Engineering, Computer Engineering or Engineering Technology department. Student Branch activities offer numerous educational,
technical, and professional advantages of IEEE membership through special projects, activities, meetings, tours and
field trips.
IEEE Student Branch has established 27 universities
in Japanias of September, 2015jand counselors assist student activities in their branch.
The activities of the student branch are Student Workshop,Student Paper Contest, etc.
You can see it on website which is each university.
The Region 10 Student Congress is aiming at developing IEEE student members and exchanging community.
This conference is held once every two years and was held in Singapore in 2002, HongKong
in 2004, China in 2006, and India in 2008.
Region 10 Student Branches
The 4th Region 10 Student Congress 2008 Report(PDF)
The Student Branch Leadership Training Workshop is held every year.
Each branch introduced their activities and their student branch operations and the meaning of being an
IEEE student member is discussed. Activation activities and solutions to problems are examined.
This workshop is effective for exchanging opinion and making friendship.
The 2012 Student Branch Leadership Training Workshop will be held
at Meiji University (Surugadai Campus) on December 14 and 15.
* Also please click here
to read the report of 2011 SBLTW in Kumamoto University.
* Also please click here
to read the report of 2010 SBLTW in Kagawa University.
- 2011 Workbook Text (PDF)(Japanese only)
Region 10 Student Branch Operation Guide (2008 Edition)
JC-GINI Kick-Off Meeting was held at Osaka University on July 24th, 2010.
Minutes (PDF)
Establishing an IEEE Student Branch requires the signatures of 12 IEEE Student
members on a petition. The petition must specify the name of the Branch, and the names of the Interim
Student Chair and faculty member who will serve as Counselor of the Branch.If you have any question,please
More information and application (Word)
Support System
IEEE Japan Council put out the expence for their activities in Student Branch.
If you require supporting, please download the application (Word)(Japanese-only)
and submit IEEE Japan Council office.
IEEE Japan Council Office
E-mail :
Fax : 03-5401-3850
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