

最終更新日 2015年4月9日
Society名 Code 2014年 2013年 2012年 2011年
東京支部 全国 東京支部 全国 東京支部 全国 東京支部 全国
Signal Processing SP-01 475 904 477 909 472 909 439 862
Broadcast Technology BT-02 40 51 43 54 45 60 44 59
Antennas and Propagation AP-03 293 500 299 504 303 519 280 497
Circuits and Systems CAS-04 280 647 282 646 290 654 290 657
Nuclear and Plasma Sciences NPS-05 83 175 79 165 73 155 72 149
Vehicular Technology VT-06 186 304 184 301 186 308 181 286
Reliability R-07 49 73 53 78 64 93 57 84
Consumer Electronics CE-08 76 142 79 145 81 144 86 145
Instrumentation and Measurement IM-09 85 140 86 148 88 152 87 146
Aerospace and Electronic Systems AES-10 69 107 69 105 71 106 72 107
Computational Intelligence (*1) CIS-11 170 416 171 422 180 422 192 430
Information Theory IT-12 131 254 138 257 141 265 146 263
Industrial Electronics IE-13 216 409 203 402 196 385 183 358
Engineering Management EM-14 27 44            
Electron Devices ED-15 566 1,029 587 1053 654 1,103 631 1,053
Computer C-16 1,193 2,040 1,245 2,146 1,289 2,221 1,325 2,271
Microwave Theory and Techniques MTT-17 448 787 455 792 462 811 448 779
Engineering in Medicine and Biology EMB-18 250 567 249 550 244 494 218 455
Communications COM-19 1,053 1,670 1,100 1,706 1,167 1,767 1,108 1,649
Ultrasonics Ferroelectrics and Frequency Control UFFC-20 105 213 104 205 113 221 115 217
Components Packaging and Manufacturing Technology CPMT-21 141 214 148 224 147 218 133 201
Oceanic Engineering OE-22 57 83 58 86 61 91 58 82
Control Systems CS-23 198 467 190 462 197 469 189 458
Robotics and Automation RA-24 337 778 320 742 310 705 300 650
Education E-25 52 115 46 106 53 111 53 105
Professional Communications PC-26 15 26 19 33 18 33 22 36
Electromagnetic Compatibility EMC-27 121 216 123 218 133 231 130 224
Systems, Man and Cybernetics SMC-28 194 502 211 533 207 480 206 459
Geoscience and Remote Sensing GRS-29 101 167 94 168 96 172 96 172
Social Implications of Technology SIT-30 20 31 25 35 21 31 17 27
Power & Energy (*2) PE-31 286 456 283 450 287 456 267 437
Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation DEI-32 57 142 57 135 55 131 56 126
Magnetics MAG-33 161 368 162 363 157 363 153 348
Industry Applications IA-34 168 337 169 345 166 325 163 318
Power Electronics PEL-35 195 391 194 404 190 375 182 349
Photonics (*3) PHO-36 444 664 448 682 465 706 451 686
Solid-State Circuits SSC-37 485 791 495 810 525 851 512 842
Intelligent Transportation Systems Society ITSS-38 59 129 52 114 52 98 48 83
*Product Safety Engineering PSE-43 9 12 13 16 11 15 16 22
TOTAL 8,895 16,361 9,010 16,514 9,270 16,650 9,026 16,092

*1 = 旧 Neural Networks Society
*2 = 旧 Power Engineering Society
*3 = 旧 Lasers and Electro-Optics Society


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