IEEE Japan Council IPC主催、IEEE東京支部TPC共催で、 AESS (Aerospace & Electronic Systems Society) DL (Distinguished Lecturer) Dr. Karen Haigh講演 会を開催いたします。 この度、以下のように、対面とオンラインのハイブリッド形式で実施を予定しております。皆様奮ってご参加ください。
Dr. Karen Haigh (IEEE AESS DL)
「Cognitive RF Systems: Using AI to Solve Complex Problems」
This presentation will introduce a broad overview of how artificial intelligence (AI) can be used in complex radio frequency systems. AI enables RF systems to respond more quickly and effectively to dynamic environment conditions with complex and novel emitters. I will illustrate where the AI techniques of situation assessment, decision making, and machine learning can function in an RF system, and show how Cognitive Radio, Cognitive Radar and Cognitive Electronic Warfare are the same concept. I will describe how to handle real-time in-mission learning, motivate why this capability is crucial, and present ideas on how to evaluate a system that learns during a mission. The presentation is based on the book "Cognitive Electronic Warfare: An Artificial Intelligence Approach"
2023年4月19日(水) 15:00~16:30
機械振興会館 6階 6D-1,2会議室
〒105-0011 東京都港区芝公園3丁目5−8
主催:IEEE JC IPC、共催:AOC (Association of Old Crows) 日本支部 、IEEE 東京支部 TPC、IEEE 東京支部 LMAG
会場でのご参加 80名(申し込み先着順)
WEBでのご参加 200名(申し込み先着順)*Zoom利用予定