当支部主催で下記の講演会を開催致します。 簡単なお申し込みで、どなたでも無料でご参加頂けます。
英語での講演となりますが、参加いただければ幸いです。 多くの皆様のご参加、どうぞ宜しくお願い申し上げます。
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日時 : 2009年11月19日(木) 17時45分〜18時45分 (17時より受付)
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会場 : 【アルカディア市ヶ谷】 7階 「妙高」
講演タイトル |
講演者 |
Television - The Life Story of a Technology |
Dr. Alexander B. Magoun |
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講演会概要 : Technologies have life spans just like living things.
Some technologies, like pottery or axes, have lived for thousands of years; others live somewhat shorter lives. In this illustrated talk,
Dr. Magoun explains the conception, birth, education, career, descendants, and death of television as a discrete technological system.
After the conception of television in Europe in the 19th century, much of television's life as a practical technology began at RCA's
laboratories in Camden and Princeton, New Jersey. RCA licensed many of its inventions to Japan, where engineers and scientists at many
companies made revolutionary products, including Sony’s Trinitron CRT and CCD camcorder, JVC’s VHS videocassette system,
and Seiko and Sharp’s LCDs. The talk concludes with some discussion of the consequences of the digitization of electronic information
that make television one of many options on modern communication devices.
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講師略歴 : Dr. Magoun is the Milestone Coordinator for the IEEE History Committee. Dr. Magoun is also executive director of
the David Sarnoff Library, an archives and museum for the Radio Corporation of America (RCA) under and after David Sarnoff's leadership.
Since 1998 he has overseen every part of the Library's growth as an archives, museum, and educational center. The New Jersey Historical
Commission honored him in 2005 and the Antique Wireless Association in 2007 for contributions to television history. He has presented over
60 lectures to professional, public, and academic audiences in eleven countries since he received the Ph.D. in history at the University of Maryland.
Dr. Magoun is the author of David Sarnoff Research Center: RCA Labs to Sarnoff Corporation and Television: The Life Story of a Technology,
and editor of the Library’s website, davidsarnoff.org.
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主催 : IEEE東京支部
協賛 : 電子情報通信学会
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定員 : 40名
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参加費 : 無料
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参加申込み方法 : お名前、ご所属、電話番号、メールアドレス、IEEE会員/非会員をご記入の上、
tokyosec@ieee-jp.org までお申し込み下さい。
11月19日東京支部主催講演会 参加申込み票
お名前 :
フリガナ :
ご所属 :
電話番号 :
メールアドレス :
IEEE会員 : 会員 / 非会員
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参加申込み締切り : 2009年11月6日(金)
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お願い : 公共交通機関のご利用をお願い申し上げます。
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連絡先 : tokyosec@ieee-jp.org (講演会担当係まで)