IEEE EMC Society Japan Joint Chapters

Welcome to EMC WORLD IEEE EMC Society Japan Joint Chapter
Tokyo/Fukuoka/Hiroshima/Nagoya/Sapporo/Kansai/Shinetsu/Shikoku Sections have combined into Japan Joint Chapter since 2015.)

What’s new新着情報

IEEE EMC Society Japan Joint Sendai Chapters Student Awardの表彰者を掲載しました
2025年から2027年のIEEE EMC SocietyのBoG(Board of Governors)に林優一先生(奈良先端科学技術大学院大学)が選出されました。(20 November 2024)
IEEE EMC-S Japan Joint / Sendai Chapter 2025講演会/Lectures by a 2023-2024 Distinguished Lecturer, Awardees, etc., (21 January 2025)

Event Schedule行事計画

IEEE EMC Society Japan Joint / Sendai Chapter Young Engineer Award 2023 (March 2025)
IEEE EMC Society Japan Joint / Sendai Chapters Student Award 2024表彰式/Award ceremony (March 2025)
IEEE EMC-S Japan Joint / Sendai Chapter 2025講演会/Lectures by a 2023-2024 Distinguished Lecturer, Awardees, etc., (21 January 2025)
IEEE EMC+SIPI Symposium 2024 (August 2024)
IEEE / IEICE Innovative EMC and Antenna Measurement Techniques Workshop (May 2024)
EMC Japan/APEMC Okinawa (May 2024)
IEEE EMC Society Japan Joint / Sendai Chapters Student Award 2023表彰式/Award ceremony (March 2024)
IEEE EMC-S Japan Joint / Sendai Chapter 2023講演会/Lecture by a Distinguished Lecturer (13 December 2023)
IEEE EMC Society Japan Joint / Sendai Chapter Young Engineer Award 2023表彰式/Award ceremony (December 2023)
2023 IEEE EMC Society Sendai Chapter Colloquium (1 December 2023)
IEEE EMC+SIPI Symposium 2023 (August 2023)
講演会/Lecture: SAR and Temperature Rise in a Human Head Model due to EM Radiation (11 July 2023)
IEEE EMC Society Japan Joint / Sendai Chapters Student Award 2022表彰式/Award ceremony(March 2023)

Chair's Greetingsご挨拶

2024年1月より、IEEE EMC Society Japan Joint Chapterの委員長となりました国立研究開発法人情報通信研究機構の渡辺聡一です。皆様には日頃本チャプターにご支援とご協力を賜り、誠に感謝申し上げます。

本チャプターはトップページに記載されております通り、2015年に東京、福岡、広島、名古屋、札幌、関西、信越、四国の8セクションがジョイントしたチャプターとして活動しております。残る仙台セクションのチャプターと連携し、国内のIEEE EMC Society活動を推進しております。また、国内の関連学会(例えば電子情報通信学会の環境電磁工学研究会(EMCJ研究会))との連携を強化するとともに、EMC関連の産業界や官公庁との協同を推進してまいります。

さて、経済発展と社会的課題の解決を両立する持続可能で強靭な人間中心社会であるSociety 5.0が実現するスマートシティにおいては,IoTや5Gなどの新しい無線通信技術や高効率エネルギーシステムを搭載した自動運転車やドローン等が基盤システムとして円滑に利用される環境を実現する必要があり,EMCはそのための重要な技術課題となります。本チャプターはEMCに関する研究開発や産業活動に貢献するべく活動を推進してまいります。特にEMC分野における世界最大の技術者・研究者の組織であるIEEE EMC Societyの国内のゲートウェイとしての役割を果たしてまいります。



Dear colleagues

I am Soichi Watanabe from the National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (NICT), Japan, and I have been the Chair of the IEEE EMC Society Japan Joint Chapter since January 2024. I would like to thank you all for your continued support of this Chapter.

As you can see on the top page, this Chapter has been active since 2015 as a joint chapter of 8 sections (Tokyo, Fukuoka, Hiroshima, Nagoya, Sapporo, Kansai, Shinetsu, and Shikoku). In cooperation with the remaining Sendai Section Chapter, we are promoting IEEE EMC Society activities in Japan. In addition, we will strengthen cooperation with related domestic academic societies (e.g., the Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers (IEICE) Technical Committee on Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMCJ)) and promote cooperation with EMC-related industries and government agencies.

In smart cities, which will be realized by Society 5.0, a sustainable and robust human-centered society that balances economic development with solutions to social issues, it is necessary to realize an environment in which self-driving cars and drones equipped with new wireless communication technologies such as IoT and 5G and highly efficient energy systems can be smoothly used as the basic systems. EMC is an important technological issue to realize such an environment. The Chapter will promote activities to contribute to research and development and industrial activities related to EMC. In particular, we will play a role as a domestic gateway to the IEEE EMC Society, the world's largest organization of engineers and researchers in the field of EMC.

We look forward to your continued support and cooperation.

Sincerely yours.

渡辺 聡一/Soichi WATANABE
IEEE EMC Society Japan Joint Chapter





Welcome to EMC WORLD

IEEE Membershipについて

【Contact / お問い合わせ先】
IEEE EMCS JJC Secretary: Atsushi Nagao / 長尾 篤
E-MAIL: atsushi.nagao "AT" ("AT"を@に置き換えてください)