IEEE EDS Japan Chapter 会員各位

IEEE EDS Kansai Chapter 会員各位



                           IEEE Electron Devices Society Japan Chapter


                                                Chair 小柳 光正

                                           Vice Chair 木村 紳一郎



***   EDS DL講演会のお知らせ ***


Department of Electronic Engineering, City University of Hong KongのProf.

Hei Wongが来日され、下記の通りに講演をされます。多くの皆様にご参加頂けますよ




【日時】 平成21年 7月29日(水)11:00-11:30

【場所】 東京工業大学 すずかけ台キャンパス

         J2棟20階 中会議室

【講演者】Prof. Hei Wong (City University of Hong Kong)

【題目】 “Silicon Integrated Photonics: Potentials and Promises”

【概要】The advances in Si technology and the rapid growth of broadband communication via optical fiber allow silicon integrated photonics to begin revolutionizing the electronic devices, circuits, and systems. The pace of technological development has been recently speeded up. Using microfabrication technology we are now able to make waveguide structures and optical components from Si-based materials, such as silicon oxynitride or doped silica. Visible light can be obtained from Si-based materials such as Si quantum wire/dots and Si nanoclusters embedded in insulators. The remaining issues are to develop processes and device structures to make Si photonics economically viable with system and device performance comparable to their existing counterparts. Recent efforts have demonstrated that the light-emitting efficiency can be enhanced greatly and that the lasing effect is also possible with the nanostructures. The impact of these moves will be revolutionary. The successful development of Si integrated photonics will enable on-chip optical interconnects for future microprocessor and giga-scale circuits, chip-to-chip fiber interconnection and will greatly decrease the cost for fiber-to-home connection. This will be one of the major moves for the next technology revolution. The present article discusses some recent developments on these aspects.


【連絡先】東京工業大学 岩井研究室 TEL(045)924-5471







IEEE EDS Japan Chapter連絡先:   Secretary 田中 徹


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