Message from new Section Chair 2011-2012
Tomonori AOYAMA, Ph.D., Keio University
I serve Chair of IEEE Tokyo Section for 2 years from January 2011 succeeding the previous section chair, Professor Hideki Imai.
I will play this important role having supports of all members in the section.
As is well known, IEEE holds about 400 thousand members totally, and is a world-scale academic institute covering wide range of areas
such as electrical, electronic, information and communication technologies.
The IEEE activities are based on a chapter for each technological area,
a section to undertake regional activities over all the technological areas related, a world standardization body mainly for wired and wireless LANs, and so on.
IEEE is greatly contributing to membersf research, education, qualification, employment, award, etc.
Tokyo Section obtains 7865 members currently which is the largest section in Japan,
and one of the largest level sections even in the world, and its activities are paid attention to in the IEEE community
so that it is possible for the section members to appeal to whole IEEE communities through Tokyo Section.
For example, it can support members to recommend IEEE Milestone Award, a fellow nomination, an application of senior membership, etc.
In Japan, many academic institutes are losing members gradually
due to the number reduction of younger generation and of younger people who are interested in science and technology,
and the rate of younger members in academic institutes results in reducing.
Furthermore, it is noted that the intention of younger people to go outside Japan for studying in foreign schools or working in foreign countries has been shrinking,
and the number of paper presentations in international conferences has also been smaller
so that it could be anxious about the evolution of science and technologies created in Japan and the growth of the Japanese ICT industry.
In order to cope with this serious situation, the Student Activities Committee in the section is supporting international activities for students
so that it can contribute to the growth of younger peoplefs motivation for going out Japan, and to the establishment of their human networks in the world.
The section members in universities are requested to push their students for joining the student activity committee.
Tokyo GOLD Affinity Group is supporting young members with the IEEE membership less than 10 years after their graduation,
and the corresponding younger members are expected to be more involved in the activities of this group.
The average age of the section members are higher every year, and the knowledge and the experiences of senior members are expected to serve younger members,
and in order to support it, LMAG-Tokyo (Life Members Affinity Group) was established last October, and it published the first Newsletter.
The Life Members in this section are requested to join the activities of LMAG-Tokyo.
We will promote section activities contributing to all the members in this section.
I would like to take this opportunity to wish all the members the continued success.
2011/2012 IEEE Tokyo Section Officers and Executive Committee
2011/2012 IEEE Tokyo Section Standing Committees
IEEE Tokyo Section The 2011 Annual General Assembly
The 2011 First Commemorative Lecture
and Celebration for The 2011 New Fellows
IEEE Tokyo Section will host
The 2011 Annual General Assembly, The 2011 First Commemorative Lecture and Celebration for The 2011 New Fellows
on Friday, March 11th, 2011.
The details will be annouced on Tokyo Bulletin No.65 issued in February.
Notice from IEEE Tokyo Section Office