August 7 (Mon) - 8 (Tue), 2017
University of Hyogo, Kobe Campus
for Information Science
7-1-28, Minatojima-minamimachi, Chuo-ku, Kobe, Japan
Call for participation
We are pleased to announce that although the IEEE HISTELCON (HISTory of ELectrotechnology CONference) is a flagship biennial-conference of the IEEE Region 8, this time the IEEE Japan Council History Committee will host HISTELCON 2017, the 5th in its series (after HISTELCON 2008 in Paris, HISTELCON 2010 in Madrid, HISTELCON 2012 in Pavia, and HISTELCON 2015 in Tel Aviv), which will be held on August 7 & 8 in 2017 at Graduate School of Applied Informatics, University of Hyogo, cosponsored by all of nine IEEE Sections in Japan and technically cosponsored by the IEEE Region 8.
The campus of Graduate School of Applied Informatics, University of Hyogo, and the surrounding Kobe Port-Island Area, with their intensive high-tech activities including the RIKEN’s K computer, one of the highest caliber of supercomputers in the world, will offer an excellent venue for this meeting.
It should be added that as most people may know, on January 17 in 1995 the Great Hanshin Earthquake of M 7.3 struck Kobe city and the surrounding areas, causing the catastrophic damage of more than 6,000 deaths, more than 150,000 collapsed homes, and over 300,000 people evacuated to more than 1,000 shelters. Therefore, we hope that HISTELCON 2017 will bring significant benefits to the attendees in terms of not only acquiring technological expertise but also observing miraculous post-quake recovery of Kobe.
Conference objectives
The main objective of HISTELCON 2017 is to increase the understanding of the origins as well as the early developments of high-tech within IEEE’s areas of interest. As always, HISTELCON 2017 welcomes all papers on the history of high-tech in electrical engineering and computing, featuring the historic expertise of any scientific and technological achievement, which has already been approved as an IEEE Milestone or may be a possible candidate for the IEEE Milestone.
The conference program will also feature high-profile keynote presentations, oral sessions, and exhibitions of IEEE Milestones attained by Japanese companies.
- 2017/07/24
- Milestone commemorative exhibition list and floor plan are provided
- 2017/07/18
- Final session schedule and technical program are provided
- 2017/06/12
- Preliminary session schedule and technical program are provided
- 2017/06/09
- Excursion & Banquet information is updated
- 2017/05/25
- Registration is now open
- 2017/04/27
- Registration open is changed to May 25, 2017
- 2017/02/28
- Registration fees are announced
- 2017/02/16
- Conference venue Access information and Hotel information are updated
- 2017/01/31
- Abstract submission deadline extended to February 14, 2017
- 2016/12/02
- Author guidelines and Information for presenters are updated
- 2016/10/27
- Homepage is now open
In cooperation with (Technical Sponsors)
IEEE Region 8, IEEE Region 10, The Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan (IEEJ), The Institutes for Electrical, Information and Communication Engineers (IEICE), The Institute of Image Information and Television Engineers (ITE), and University of Hyogo

Supported by (in alphabetical order) (Financial Sponsors)
IEEE Sections in Japan (Fukuoka, Hiroshima, Kansai, Nagoya, Sapporo, Sendai, Shikoku, Shin-etsu, Tokyo) and IEEE Japan Council.
- Important dates
500-word abstract
- Submission deadline: 14 February 2017
- Acceptance notification: 24 February 2017
- Deadline extended
6-page full-paper- Submission deadline: 24 March 2017
Registration- Registration opens: 25 May 2017
- Early registration deadline: 15 June 2017