IEEE SSCS Kansai Chapterでは,下記の日程で技術セミナーを開催致しました.
今回は,SSCS Distinguished Lecturer (DL)の台湾精華大学のMeng-Fan Chang教授をお招きして技術セミナーを下記の通り開催いたしました.
日時 |
2019年08月22日(木)10:30より12:00 | |
会場 |
MEBIC扇町 交流スペース2会議室 Access Map | |
主催 |
IEEE Solid-State Circuits Society Kansai Chapter | |
共催 |
IEEE Solid-State Circuits Society Japan Chapter | |
講演 |
10:30-12:00 |
Prof. Meng-Fan (Marvin) Chang
Lecture Title:
Job Title:
Biography: Between 1997 and 2006, Dr. Chang worked in the development of SRAM/ROM/Flash macros/compilers at Mentor Graphics (New Jersey, US), TSMC (Taiwan), and the Intellectual Property Library Company (Taiwan). His research interests include circuit design for volatile and nonvolatile memory, 3D-Memory, nonvolatile and spintronics logics, circuit-device-interactions in non-CMOS devices, memristor circuits, computing-in-memory and neuromorphic circuits for deep learning and artificial intelligent (AI) chips. Since 2010, Dr. Chang has authored or co-authored more than 50+ top conference papers (including 18 ISSCC, 21 VLSI Symposia, 9 IEDM, and 5 DAC) as well as 50+ IEEE journal papers and 50+ US patents. He is an associate editor for IEEE TVLSI, and IEEE TCAD. He has been serving on technical program committees for IEDM (Executive committee, Chair of MT sub-committee), ISSCC, DAC, A-SSCC, IEEE CAS Society (Chair of NG-TC), and numerous international conferences. He is a Distinguished Lecturer (DL) for IEEE Solid-State Circuits (2019-2020) and IEEE Circuits and Systems Society (CASS) (2017-2018). He is the recipient of several prestigious national-level awards in Taiwan. He currently is the Program Director of the Microelectronics Program at the Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST) in Taiwan. He is a Fellow of IEEE. ※英語によるご講演になります。 |
参加費 |
無料 | |
参加者 |
9人(内、IEEEメンバー8人) | |
講演風景 |
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集合写真 |
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